Community > City of Heroes

New Look to the website

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I like the new look. Great job! And glad to see the new City Info Tracker area - it has been missed. Keep up the great work and the wait was worth it!

Thank you!

We do apologize for the long wait, but it was the best we could do given the circumstances.

All the Functionality and still more items we've got in the works, are ...well, in the works.  Stay Tuned! :P

Voltaic Shock:
We hope to get TNT up to par sometime next week.

The CIT site isn't quite ready for primetime yet, so expect some oddities and such for the next few hours.

We intend to roll out as many features as fast as possible to get it back on level with the original versions, but in the interest of releasing something, we went with a pared down version.

Maverick X:

--- Quote from: SuckerPunch on July 18, 2008, 03:49:48 PM ---The CIT site isn't quite ready for primetime yet, so expect some oddities and such for the next few hours.

We intend to roll out as many features as fast as possible to get it back on level with the original versions, but in the interest of releasing something, we went with a pared down version.

--- End quote ---

From the time CGT was born, and especially after pudds handed us the reins, we've really discussed merging the sites. We figured in light of all of the recent problems, there would be no better time. So, why not right? =]


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