Author Topic: Massively mentioned some of the best features in COH  (Read 1680 times)


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Re: Massively mentioned some of the best features in COH
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2016, 05:01:33 PM »
I agree with all that. I even totally forgot about the day job part that it mattered where in the city you logged out of.

This is why even though I play Champions and DCU on and off, I cant really get into playing hours and hours, days at a time like I did in COH.
Everything I do or see I keep comparing to COH.

Only thing I like more in Champions is they have a lot more options and layers for costumes.
And DCU has well, the DCU so it makes it a little more fun to play an original creation in the DCU.

That's why I don't really like Marvel online - while its fun to actually play Captain America or Iron Man or Spider-Man, instead of knock offs like in COH (come on, we all did it at one point), I don't like if I am playing Captain America and so are like 300 other people. Makes it less special then being your own hero like in DCU.