Author Topic: Light A Fire: SCIENCE!  (Read 8513 times)

Victoria Victrix

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Re: Light A Fire: SCIENCE!
« Reply #20 on: September 27, 2012, 11:31:31 PM »
@Ultraviolet : I am limited in contacting people by time (I have to make a living), resources (mostly time, but also access to scientific journals and places where I could find researchers to contact), and credibility (I am a freaking fiction writer, with no cred in science and no direct experience--as in being a parent or caregiver or suffering from any of those suggested conditions).  This is why I am putting this out there as a suggestion for some of you to use who DO have some of these things.  PLEASE do.  Especially if you can approach some of the authors of those three studies.

@Tanglefoe : not every therapy works with everyone.  Over in testimonials we have some people who have gotten pretty direct help with PTSD and depression in the game.  I'm sorry you are still fighting depression, as a chronic depressive myself, I literally feel (and share) your pain.
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Re: Light A Fire: SCIENCE!
« Reply #21 on: September 27, 2012, 11:41:12 PM »
The missus and I have found that fighting crime together is one of the best "marriage therapy" exercises we'd ever found.

We're not sure what we'll try in its place if CoH does close.  A friend mentioned Pugil Stick dueling sessions as an alternative, but I think he's just trying to get me killed.  Jenn would so whip my butt.

In a past life, i worked in "educational games" and met a few notables (and a few CoH players) at the various conferences there.   After 4-5 years, few will probably remember me, but I'll send out a few pings.


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Re: Light A Fire: SCIENCE!
« Reply #22 on: September 28, 2012, 01:05:42 AM »
I'm a combat veteran and although I was never diagnosed with PTSD, I dealt with depression.  When I got home, a bunch of very unfortunate things happened to me.  I came home in April 2007 and I think I started playing CoH in August or September 2007.  As much joy as this game has game has given me, I just don't make the connection between playing it and getting over my depression.  My wife and kids probably did that for me (I met my 2nd wife the following Feb.).

Video games are not a 'cure' or therapy for everyone. You've actually expressed pretty much exactly why it wasn't much of one for you: you have family.
A lot of the people you see talking about how City of Heroes, or any MMO, helped them through depression... don't have many people in the real world who love and care about them. The high-flying, fast paced antics of a video game (especially CoH) can certainly help combat the symptoms of depression and for a short while draw your mind off the bad.. but the community is what has helped so many- they're the family for those who have none.


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Re: Light A Fire: SCIENCE!
« Reply #23 on: September 28, 2012, 01:14:03 AM »

I was diagnosed with panic disorder with anxiety and depression. When playing this game I have never had any of that. This game is my escape from life. I can log on and just run or fly around the city and not do another dang thing and it calms my nerves. My daughter is 7 now and I started her playing at 4. She is smarter on the computer than most 14 year olds that I know, plus she has a 102 average in school. I let her play every time she wants to after homework. She has a level 50 on Freedom!!!!


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Re: Light A Fire: SCIENCE!
« Reply #24 on: September 28, 2012, 01:19:49 AM »
Video games are not a 'cure' or therapy for everyone. You've actually expressed pretty much exactly why it wasn't much of one for you: you have family.
A lot of the people you see talking about how City of Heroes, or any MMO, helped them through depression... don't have many people in the real world who love and care about them. The high-flying, fast paced antics of a video game (especially CoH) can certainly help combat the symptoms of depression and for a short while draw your mind off the bad.. but the community is what has helped so many- they're the family for those who have none.

As one of the depressed, unloved individuals Zolgar mentions: +1 for Truth.
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Re: Light A Fire: SCIENCE!
« Reply #25 on: September 28, 2012, 01:23:04 AM »
One friend I met through the game had, as near as I could see, serious social anxiety issues.  He now does amateur standup.  I don't think it was the game itself that got him to come out of his shell, but the strong social bonds and the lengths we all go to meet up in person did.

Victoria Victrix

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    • Mercedes Lackey
Re: Light A Fire: SCIENCE!
« Reply #26 on: September 28, 2012, 02:39:41 AM »
These are very good anecdotal cases for the gaming + social aspect that seems unique to City.  They certainly seem to warrant further research to me, and will absolutely require a healthy number of players to create that social network within the game.  Find some researchers and contact them!
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Re: Light A Fire: SCIENCE!
« Reply #27 on: September 28, 2012, 08:34:22 AM »
Not to say that I disagree with any of this whatsoever, but...

In order to strengthen our argument, I get the idea it would be wise to play a bit of "devils advocate" with you all and ask a question that I'm sure would be a counter-argument. I do this solely in the interest of putting it out there and having you find a way to counter it.

The question is this:  How much of these beneficial aspects are due to any unique nature of City of Heroes, and how much could be attributed to any other MMO out there? Could you not get these same benefits by going to Guild Wars 2 or Aion? Or even Blade and Soul?

(I use those examples because I'm trying to do this from the POV of the NCSoft execs. I suspect one thing they'd love is for this community to move to another of their games. Remember - devil's advocate position here.)

Think about the above - now find a way to counter that argument. Try not to come at it from a purely emotional reaction - what unique aspects of City of Heroes foster the beneficial aspects you've all been talking about and are found NO WHERE else?


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Re: Light A Fire: SCIENCE!
« Reply #28 on: September 28, 2012, 08:59:58 AM »
Not to say that I disagree with any of this whatsoever, but...

In order to strengthen our argument, I get the idea it would be wise to play a bit of "devils advocate" with you all and ask a question that I'm sure would be a counter-argument. I do this solely in the interest of putting it out there and having you find a way to counter it.

The question is this:  How much of these beneficial aspects are due to any unique nature of City of Heroes, and how much could be attributed to any other MMO out there? Could you not get these same benefits by going to Guild Wars 2 or Aion? Or even Blade and Soul?

(I use those examples because I'm trying to do this from the POV of the NCSoft execs. I suspect one thing they'd love is for this community to move to another of their games. Remember - devil's advocate position here.)

Think about the above - now find a way to counter that argument. Try not to come at it from a purely emotional reaction - what unique aspects of City of Heroes foster the beneficial aspects you've all been talking about and are found NO WHERE else?

General reasons:
City of Heroes offers an incredible creative outlet, with the immensely powerful Character Creator as well as Mission Architect.
City of Heroes is an easy game to learn to play, accessible to younger children and non-gamers.
City of Heroes does not have the 'Holy Trinity', nor is City of Heroes the type of game where if you don't take a specific build you're gimped.
City of Heroes is very friendly to mixed team play, assorted levels, assorted skill levels, assorted archetypes.
City of Heroes Is fairly solo friendly with the right archetype and build.
City of Heroes is very casual player friendly.

A couple of instance specific reasons:
Autistic children or other developmental disabilities: City of Heroes is a very 'bright and shiny' game of superheroes. Young children tend to like bright shiny superheroes.
For those who deal with physical impairments: City of Heroes is a very easy game to play, and can even be played entirely 1 handed. It does not rely on the speed and dexterity of the player.

Victoria Victrix

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    • Mercedes Lackey
Re: Light A Fire: SCIENCE!
« Reply #29 on: September 28, 2012, 09:12:35 AM »
Several of the posts about children have mentioned that they did not respond to other games, only to City of Heroes.  I think it has been observed anecdotally elsewhere that children respond to superheroes when they don't respond to other fantasy/sf images in games.

The game is very family friendly.  Turn on the profanity filter and you really don't have to worry that your kid will see something you would rather he didn't.

You know, I wish that Twixt wasn't such a.....<censored> because this would give him the chance to redeem himself and do some real, valuable research as well as a chance to help save City.

I wish I lived in New Orleans and could scope him out and see if he's a <censored> in real life.  Shouldn't be hard, he teaches at Loyola.
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Re: Light A Fire: SCIENCE!
« Reply #30 on: September 28, 2012, 09:31:51 AM »
Excellent stuff! Keep going!


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Re: Light A Fire: SCIENCE!
« Reply #31 on: September 28, 2012, 10:58:15 AM »
HOLY COW YES!  TWIXT!  Wait he may or may not still play...Hmm..He does have a email so *cough* We COULD give a huge "Hey Twixt we forgive you can you PLEASE do a paper on *XYZ*  regards to MMO's blahblahblah"  Maybe he'll listen? 


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Re: Light A Fire: SCIENCE!
« Reply #32 on: September 28, 2012, 11:34:22 AM »
Ugh... THAT guy?

Sorry... I think that's a BAD idea. I think he's a sociopath just as likely to sabotage us just to see how we "tick".


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Re: Light A Fire: SCIENCE!
« Reply #33 on: September 28, 2012, 05:41:12 PM »
Who th' heck is this 'Twixt' chap?

And if he's widely regarded as being a douchenozzle, we probably don't want him representing us.. even if he does it right.


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Re: Light A Fire: SCIENCE!
« Reply #34 on: September 28, 2012, 08:41:18 PM »

This might help some of your sciencey firelighters?
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Victoria Victrix

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    • Mercedes Lackey
Re: Light A Fire: SCIENCE!
« Reply #35 on: September 28, 2012, 11:09:49 PM »
Ugh... THAT guy?

Sorry... I think that's a BAD idea. I think he's a sociopath just as likely to sabotage us just to see how we "tick".

That's kinda why I would want someone to scope him out in person over the course of several days to find out if he was just a nerd-turned-bully <censored> or might actually have the germ of a decent person in there.  No way would I want this put to him cold.

Mind you I would much rather have someone who is a good scientist, a decent person, and good academic chops get their teeth into this.
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Re: Light A Fire: SCIENCE!
« Reply #36 on: September 28, 2012, 11:15:11 PM »
Mind you I would much rather have someone who is a good scientist, a decent person, and good academic chops get their teeth into this.

Oh, this gave me an idea.

Who else here is currently in school?  I am referring to higher education, but high school might work as well.

If you answered yes, think about any psychology (or otherwise) professors that you may know.  Are they researchers?  If so, they're probably fairly well-connected to the type of people that Miss Lackey wants us to look for.  I can think of one, and I'll be sending her an email as soon as I hit "post." ;)


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Re: Light A Fire: SCIENCE!
« Reply #37 on: September 28, 2012, 11:17:38 PM »
Oh, this gave me an idea.

Who else here is currently in school?  I am referring to higher education, but high school might work as well.

If you answered yes, think about any psychology (or otherwise) professors that you may know.  Are they researchers?  If so, they're probably fairly well-connected to the type of people that Miss Lackey wants us to look for.  I can think of one, and I'll be sending her an email as soon as I hit "post." ;)

It's also worth noting that lots of us with chronic illnesses see specialized neurologists and psychiatrists. Who are exactly the kinds of doctors who might have contacts in these research areas.

I know I'll be mentioning it to my neurologist at my next appointment...AND to my psych and my childrens' psych.
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Victoria Victrix

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    • Mercedes Lackey
Re: Light A Fire: SCIENCE!
« Reply #38 on: September 28, 2012, 11:38:48 PM »
Seriously one problem that people doing their PhD have is finding a subject to do original research on that is just that--original--and isn't going to cost an arm and a leg to implement.

One thing that people who are already working PhDs have (generally those who are also teaching in universities) is finding a subject to do original research on that is going to be able to generate a grant from SOMEONE and isn't going to cost an arm and a leg to implement.

Psychology, sociology, neurophysiology, even neurochemistry to an extent could ALL find something in what I have proposed for research studies.  I just don't have the connections, nor am I an "interested party," which is why I am asking you (who do, or are) to go out there and find these people and suggest it to them.
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Re: Light A Fire: SCIENCE!
« Reply #39 on: September 28, 2012, 11:48:50 PM »
It's doubtful, but I may know some people that know people.... I'll need to ask around to be sure.  Don't get your hopes up on me though, this is a slim possibility on my end.

Has anyone ever heard of "6 degrees of seperation"? The theory is ....well, I'll use a link.

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