Author Topic: Just a humble suggestion...  (Read 2606 times)


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Just a humble suggestion...
« on: December 04, 2012, 07:35:43 AM »
I'm so glad to see you guys carrying the torch over for the Comic Hero/Villain Culture forums from the old boards. I don't have a lot of internet time and I got all my genre relevant news from it. No kidding. I'm not on Facebook or other social media. CoH and its forums was pretty much my 'go to' place for news about things I actually cared about.

That said, there's a number of different forums you made to encompass the same topic. Everything from games, Comics, etc. all fall under that. The CoH forums worked well in that regard...

Maybe having them seperated out is a good thing, and it probably is, but I really just miss the old CH/VC forums as my one-stop bookmark to peruse. Just helps keep things... tidy. ;)

That said, when I have the time tomorrow, I think I'll start a topic on this fledgeling section of the community forum. :)

Lyc~ the "really missing my game and its forums" werewolf