Paragon Chat > Announcements

Press Release: Paragon Chat Realignment

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Thanks for this. It's just what I needed.

Nice try guys!  ;)

I'm looking forward to the new Paragon Chat Cash Shop, too.

The graphics do remind of champions, but that's ok.  It still looks like home.

Thank you for all your work and effort.   

Ok.  Even Codewalker has a sense of humour.

However, if he goes for a 'frogman' stoop main character animation there'll be a mob with pitchforks and flaming torches...

Seriously though, just maybe Codewalker really is teasing here.  He's showing his 'chops' around the CoH engine.  Perhaps he can leave the render style as an option for those that like/dislike it to turn it on and off.

I'm surprised how effective it looked.  But CoH has better artwork and design underneath supporting it.

Hmm.  Intrigue.  What else could Codewalker and the team do in the future...if he can 'merely' do this to celebrate Apple's 40th birthday... :P



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