Author Topic: Testimonials  (Read 45826 times)


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Re: Testimonials
« Reply #140 on: September 30, 2012, 06:43:21 AM »
Thank you for sharing your story. Every time I poke my head in here, I'm reminded that we truly are are a City of Heroes. More than that, this community is a family, and I am proud to stand with you.

Absolutely agreed


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Re: Testimonials
« Reply #141 on: October 02, 2012, 12:33:43 AM »
BTW - a site that testimonial folks might consider...

The game may be gone, but the videos are still here...


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Re: Testimonials
« Reply #142 on: October 04, 2012, 08:16:16 PM »
A lot of people here don't know me.  I am one who usually stays to the shadows, and I keep to myself for the most part.  I don't even usually read the CoX forums let alone post on them.  I'm not usually one to share my personal stories with those I don't know either.  However, I feel that this cause is worth the effort and discomfort to share.

I started playing 'City of' back a little before the game's first anniversary.  I was a 'normal' guy in my early 30s who just happened to like playing RPGs and reading books.  I liked the game primarily because it was so different from the average MMO and the community was generally much friendlier than that of other MMOs as well.  I played for about three years and decided for a few real life reasons to take a break from the game.

Fast forward about 2 and a half years.  I was in a bad car accident.  I was rear ended while at a stop light by a truck traveling at speed.  my seat back broke.  my back broke.  I'm now a paraplegic.  After awhile at home, being by myself all day, I started playing City again for something to keep myself occupied.  Like others, playing City has helped me, in that both it helps keep me from focusing on my situation for a little while, and it lets me have a sense freedom of movement at least in my mind temporarily again.  Most importantly, it lets me interact with a great community who doesn't see me for my limitations, but rather for who I am.

I feel like I am losing a part of myself.  :/


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Re: Testimonials
« Reply #143 on: October 12, 2012, 04:15:18 AM »
I think that is common to many of us.
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Rotten Luck

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Re: Testimonials
« Reply #144 on: October 15, 2012, 05:31:28 PM »
Who am I?  Why am I here?  The answer is both simple and complex.

First I was a victim of a pedophile worst this (Censer) was my own father.  As you can imagine emotionally I'm am really (Another Censer) up.  Part of Rotten Luck my Main hero is from this.  I feel half alive part of me died and I'm the torn broken parts that remain.  Emotionally I needed an outlet for these emotions some take to using blades to cut themselves to make the Outside reflect the inside.  Perhaps I would have followed the same path.  When I talk to people a voice in me screams "CAN'T THEY SEE I'M BROKEN!  Can't they understand even now I can't stand to be touch sometimes?"  I have scars on my arms where I had burnt myself with cigs just to feel something other then the cold numbness I had to work with.  Then I found a game online.

People there didn't see the mask of a normal healthy person.  They saw what I feel like.  The Broken left over parts fighting to make right what was wrong.  (okay I started crying but Hell I need to say this.)  This is what Rotten is to me.  He is me that I feel like.  The broken man who refuses to submit to that pain, fighting not to save the world but to save himself.  Always hungry for something he doesn't even fully know.

In short City of Heroes gave me an outlet that wouldn't destroy me, but help me heal.  It's not a crutch because I have gone a year with out playing.  Partly because of life needs (couldn't pay internet connection) and I'm glad I went that long feeling partly normal.

But to know that security blanket, that mental crutch that help me is being yanked away.   All this when I finality got an internet connection again... well it's just my Rotten Luck I guess.
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Kaiser Tarantula

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Re: Testimonials
« Reply #145 on: October 16, 2012, 03:06:08 AM »
I first got into City of Heroes back when the Good vs. Evil edition was released.  At the time, I was in late Jr. High school, dealing with several social disorders brought on by the sheer social pressures of school life back then.  I had very nearly committed suicide on two occasions, and became a voluntary mute for over two years, ruining my ability to speak normally in the process.

At the time, I had been part of a lot of MMOs.  Everquest, Asheron's Call, Ragnarok Online, Maplestory... but the one MMO that really held my interest, and I really felt I belonged in, was CoH.  I was a subscriber for about four months, playing an Invulnerability/Super-Strength Tanker.  IRL, I'm not a big or powerful person.  I was bullied and picked on for being a weak intellectual.  CoH gave me a place where I could be strong, where I could protect others from those who would victimize them, where it took onslaughts of enemies to have a hope of bringing me down.  I could wade into a pack of enemies with confidence, knowing all the bullets and bombs and beams and claws and fangs bouncing off my impenetrable hide would never reach the squishier blasters and defenders behind me.  You haven't known joy until you've delivered an uppercut mighty enough to smash a Zeus Titan into the ceiling, and laughed as it stuck there, its body embedded two feet deep in concrete.

Not only did the game give me confidence, it gave me friends and companions too.  I ran with a mid-sized, tight-knit supergroup, and communicating with them helped me realize that not everyone out there wanted to hurt me.  That I could open up and learn to trust people again.  That, fundamentally, there was some goodness in other people.  CoH helped me re-learn what empathy and caring was.

It was CoH that gave me the confidence to find my voice again.  To this day I still stutter a bit, because I think faster than I can speak.  But I'm a long way from how I used to be, where I would break down in tears because I just couldn't find the words for what I was thinking.  CoH, in a lot of ways, for the brief time that I played it, helped me get my life back in order.

Financial reasons forced me to quit, and when I rejoined back in late August, it was already too late to repurchase a VIP subscription, or purchase Paragon points to unlock all the new powersets I'd missed since I'd been gone.  My old account was gone too, leaving me with none of my old veteran rewards; a big loss, considering that free characters can't even whisper or use the in-game mail system without them.  But even with those limitations, I find the game tremendously fun to play.  Were subscriptions reopened tomorrow, I'd have a VIP account by next weekend, no questions asked.

Closing down CoH, in a lot of ways, closes any chance I have to relive that happy, glorious little chapter of my life, that brought me back from the brink of suicidal depression and helped to shape me into the person I am now.  My tanker's long gone, lost when my account was deleted due to inactivity.  But the characters I have now are just as near and dear to my heart.

When CoH goes dark, so goes a game that gave me my life back.


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Re: Testimonials
« Reply #146 on: October 16, 2012, 05:12:39 AM »
My tanker's long gone, lost when my account was deleted due to inactivity.
Just to note, this does not happen. It has never happened. Your character is still there, waiting for you, if you could remember the login information. The tank that saved you will be there until the lights turn out.
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...


Kaiser Tarantula

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Re: Testimonials
« Reply #147 on: October 16, 2012, 10:19:34 AM »
That's just it though.  I have remembered the login information since creating the new account.  Found it in my old stack of password and account notes.

It doesn't work any more.  Either the account was deleted, or someone managed to break my old password and change it, leaving me with no ability to recover it (I've tried that too, and NCSoft never replied to my account recovery request.)

Cobalt Commando, my big blue flying brick, you will be missed.

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Re: Testimonials
« Reply #148 on: October 16, 2012, 11:39:15 PM »
That's just it though.  I have remembered the login information since creating the new account.  Found it in my old stack of password and account notes.

It doesn't work any more.  Either the account was deleted, or someone managed to break my old password and change it, leaving me with no ability to recover it (I've tried that too, and NCSoft never replied to my account recovery request.)

Cobalt Commando, my big blue flying brick, you will be missed.

I'm sorry.   :'(
I will go down with this ship.  I won't put my hands up in surrender.  There will be no white flag above my door.  I'm in love, and always will be.  Dido

Kaiser Tarantula

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Re: Testimonials
« Reply #149 on: October 17, 2012, 12:07:37 AM »
I'm sorry.   :'(
It's okay.  'Cuz, y'see, that's the thing about us Tankers.  You can't keep us down.

And Cobalt?  Cobalt's got a successor, thanks to a wonderful little thing called Kheldian bonding.


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Re: Testimonials
« Reply #150 on: November 29, 2012, 01:56:19 PM »
Given the new traffic we're trying to draw, it seemed appropriate to re-animate this thread. :)
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."

Rotten Luck

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Re: Testimonials
« Reply #151 on: November 29, 2012, 01:58:53 PM »
I think this Thread was overshadowed by the Thread Voices.
One way or another... Heroes will fly again!


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Re: Testimonials
« Reply #152 on: November 29, 2012, 02:08:07 PM »
Fair enough. I stopped reading both fairly early on, because I'm a wimp and could take all the choking up. :)
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


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Re: Testimonials
« Reply #153 on: December 14, 2012, 04:10:07 PM »
The testimonials posted here are powerful.  Adding my own feels redundant.  Thank you, Samuraiko for posting this link:

City of Heroes will always have a unique place in my heart due less to the Whiz-Bang Zowie! (though I'll always appreciate that) than to the community that brought CoH to life.
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Re: Testimonials
« Reply #154 on: December 14, 2012, 10:19:13 PM »
Hope I'm not too late but I guess I'll give it go anyways. I never been the type of open up my life on the internet.

I started playing COX a soldier in the army, moving here moving there, but was never a gamer prior, or didnt consider myself one, especially one where there interaction with other people. What caught my eye was the super hero concept described on the box of City of Heroes and the customization described on the box. So I bought it and gave it a try. It was a very good purchase. I now had something to do in my spare time, could talk to people if I chose to and not talk to anyone if I chose not to.
So me being me, finding a good thing I shared what I found with my friends. Come to find out, one already had it but it was collecting dust in her closet, one created an account and been playing since i3, another joined in soon after i told him about the game, another joined when COV was released, and even got a sibling to join around i10. We were a group that did all type of tasks and crazy stuff. Soon we was joined by people we met in game and then decided to official start our own super group on hero side that was focused on just having fun and getting together to PvP here and there even sometimes among ourselves just to test our character. I beat everyone except the defender of the group kept kicking my butt and my female friend, who played until the end, was a foe to reckon with on her blaster, brute, scrapper and corruptor. Those were the good times.

Eventually I got restationed, again, but this game allowed me to keep in contact with them, even though my female friend eventually got stationed inthe same location and soon got out the army but we still played together. The times we had in game crossed over into real life when we talked about the stuff we did and or used to do inside the game, even as her husband gave us both quizzical looks for being into a game so much. We both used to poke fun at him with the line of "Why so serious?"

Eventually I got out the army too, many friends and SG members moved on to other games but me an Elainia was the last two left and still rolled. Some days I wouldnt even be logged in when she called me and told me to get on because she wanted to do a Positron run and only have one other person that is just filling in so we can duo it. I remember saying many times "God dang it, E., you're a blaster not a tank! Let me get the aggro! Here's an awake."  It wasa very good stress reliever for us. She had something to do when her husband was out of town for meetings and what ever he do, and I had an activity that cost relative pennies while getting more enjoyment out of it then if I went out on the town and blew 500 or so dollars. 

I remember the times when we used to both get wasted and joined teams and murdered those LGTFs and ITFs.

I remember being worried about transitioning form the Army to the civilian world and this game taking my mind off it.

I remember faceplanting form stuff that I should of owned and E. laughing at me.

I remember getting one shotted by stalkers in Siren's Call and E. turning around and blasting them to the next century with her blaster.

I remember falling asleep at the keyboard until E. called me by phone yelling at me to get the lead out and help with the AV.

I remember going to work the next day after playing an back to buisness, especially with E. She is a bulldog when it comes to work.

I remember building a toon and E. going "WTF are you wearing?" and me going, "Battle me i nthe arena. If you win, you can choose my costume. If I win, I choose yuour costume." I lost and ended up in a pink bunny outfit.

I remember doing my last ITF and three people quitting and the last four of us murdering it easily anyways.

I remember getting kicked from a team because I was moving too slow. Probably another night I was wasted.

I rememebr leaving teams because of the team leader belittling another team member for making mistakes and taking that guy under my wing, letting him know that most players are not like the person he just experienced and giving him tips on how to be better. He ended up a better player than me IMO. 

I remember telling E. I quit. I remember seeing E. snap on people o nthe foru mand shaking my head. Like "What are you doing, E.L.?! You're coming off like a madwoman and not in a good way. Calm down take a break, come back tomorrow, for your sake." I remember her not listening to me. She never knew when to just backdown.

I remember laughing about it the next day.

I remember the emotions and reactions of most people whe nthe announcement of shutdown was made. I remember feeling them even though I already moved on and thinking, "Damn, that is f-ed up." and E. saying to me, "Oh well." and me giving her that look that apparently caused her to change the subject. But she never did get people and the way human emotions worked very well. I swear I think that chick is a robot or something.

I remember to this day even after leaving, I would not redo a single day I spent in that game, the good days nor the the bad days.  I can go on and on about the time I had in this game.

I cant say that this game was therapy or saved me or anything dramtic like that because I grew up normal, had normal life, normal friends, well besides E., she is a little...peciluar at times, not exactly the warmest person to be around but not as cold as her posts that I saw suggested. But of course I have the ability to understand just about anyone even if I dont feel the same way. Had a normal adult life as a normal adult jus climbing up the ladder and making money, no serious depression, none of that stuff, but felt sad for this game ending for them that had problems in life and this was a way out and for the devs and their job loss more so than me personally feeling losing a game, I was already gone anyways by the time of closing. Thus in the closing days besides it being a mad house and a emotions running high there I stayed away after the announcement from in game and forum. Even here I avoided the emotional posts because i dont think for the most part I had anything thta could help to add. I had no experience with most of those problems but I understand.

Even with the game gone, only person I'm still close with as I was in game is Elainia but our views are like night and day. I dont think she is being malicious about it, I just think she dont have that ability to understand emotions like that or that is not her way of thinking. But we still talk about the good times of the actual game and the community. It turn out to be some interesting conversations but I guess that is why I probably would never be a CEO or buisness owner as I cant rip people off and sleep at night to line my pockets. E. on the other hand would make the perfect CEO as when it comes to those type of decisions, she can view it without any hint of human emotions and wont give a crap about ending a product if it means more money or greater good of the company or because she felt like it and can do that. I would have gotten fired first for allowing COX to go on until no one was playing regardless of much money was being brought in as long as the player base is enjoying the product. Probably not good from a buisness stand point. The good times, the bad, the ugly, I want COX to live on. Not for me, but for the people that it was much more than a game to them. True heroes stand up for what is right and what they believe in regardless if they are to gain something personally from it or not, even if they stand to lose.