Titan Network

Graveyard => Save Paragon Retirees => Save Paragon City! => Topic started by: TerminalVelocity on March 24, 2013, 08:38:30 PM

Title: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: TerminalVelocity on March 24, 2013, 08:38:30 PM
Trying to gauge the general amount of hope that we can save the city around here.

I myself have little to none at all that it'll come back, but I KNOW it will live on in some form.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: downix on March 24, 2013, 08:39:24 PM
I know at least one of the Plan Z efforts is shaping up.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Segev on March 24, 2013, 08:49:51 PM
Indeed. If you're in the Seattle area, the Phoenix Project has a panel discussion that myself and downix will be holding at NorWesCon: 4 pm, Cascade 7 (unless they change the room on us last minute). Come see us if you're around and interested!
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Ironwolf on March 24, 2013, 09:50:16 PM
I am an optimist.

Disney didn't say no as far as we are aware and Google has yet to be approached.

Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: The Fifth Horseman on March 25, 2013, 12:52:08 AM
If you're in the front line of the battle, you shouldn't hope but plan and act.

If you're not taking active part, the reality tends to either not match your expectations or overwhelm them - either way, the only thing to do is wait.

And hope should never be measured in terms of quantity. A certain swamp-dwelling ancient mad...creature would probably say: "<<How much>>, exist does not. Hope you either have or you have not."
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: JaguarX on March 25, 2013, 12:59:00 AM
my hope have yet to change in one way or another. I knew it was small chance, and it will take a while and thus I prepared for the worse. That way no matter what happened, I wouldnt and couldnt be disappointed and at worse it was expected. lol. Anyways that means so far it's been going beyond what I expected.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Kistulot on March 25, 2013, 01:13:43 AM
SEGs is making progress.

Plan Zs are chugging away.

There's plenty to be hopeful for.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Tubbius on March 25, 2013, 01:39:22 AM
Not having the game hurts, to be honest.  It's an emotional outpouring any time I start thinking about it on the way to or from town when I have any time to talk to myself and think it over.  However, I do believe that this can be worked out, that things can come around.  I fear it might take a long, long time, longer than many are willing to commit, but if another MMORPG can come back after 8 years absent recently, I should hope that City of Heroes can return considerably faster than that, assuming that NCSoft is willing to budge.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Perfidus on March 25, 2013, 05:13:35 AM
"Forget that... there are places in this world that aren't made out of stone. That there's something inside... that they can't get to, that they can't touch. That's yours."

"What are you talking about?"

Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Taceus Jiwede on March 25, 2013, 06:39:23 AM
"You can't give up hope just because it's hopeless! You gotta hope even more, and cover your ears {covers ears} and go "Bla bla bla bla bla bla..."

Those are the words of a great man!

Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: OzonePrime on March 25, 2013, 11:50:26 AM
/em holdtorch

Never Give Up! Never Surrender!
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Mentalshock on March 25, 2013, 12:23:40 PM
Humanity does not see the impossible as an absolute, merely a challenge to be surpassed.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Cendwar on March 25, 2013, 03:09:14 PM
/em holdtorch

Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Illusionss on March 25, 2013, 04:17:53 PM
After we have Plan Z go live, after we've all established a home over there and are all comfy running around a new and improved world.... THEN and only then NCIdiocracy will announce that they are reviving the game, most likely by tying it to a new game they you'll also have to buy in order to access CoX.

By they we will probably also have at least one emulator up and running.

Some of my decision will depend on whether or not they have wiped our servers.

Depending on these variables, I might just give NCSoft's attempts to revive the game the ol' side-eye. Nice try, you are a day late and several dollars short.

As far as them just reviving the game out of the goodness of their hearts, I seriously doubt that this is going to happen. There will be some kind of monetary penalty attached, count on it.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Brightfires on March 25, 2013, 04:21:07 PM
Hope that some company will buy it and bring it back? Honestly, I have none at all. I really feel like that time has already come, gone and resulted in nothing. NCSoft just flat-out isn't interested in selling. They made that pretty obvious.

Hope that someone will get one of the "community server" or stand-alone versions running? I'd say we have decent odds of that, given time.

Hope for either of the successor games? Given what goes into launching a product from the ground up, and all of the pitfalls along the way even for professional studios... all I'm going to say is that I wish them all the luck in the world. I really do. But I'm not holding my breath.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: UruzSix on March 25, 2013, 04:33:46 PM
Hope that some company will buy it and bring it back? Honestly, I have none at all. I really feel like that time has already come, gone and resulted in nothing. NCSoft just flat-out isn't interested in selling. They made that pretty obvious.


Hope that someone will get one of the "community server" or stand-alone versions running? I'd say we have decent odds of that, given time.

An underground emulator just wouldn't be the same. I couldn't do it.

Hope for either of the successor games? Given what goes into launching a product from the ground up, and all of the pitfalls along the way even for professional studios... all I'm going to say is that I wish them all the luck in the world. I really do. But I'm not holding my breath.

There's truth in your words, but I'm more optimistic. Given enough people who know what actually goes into launching a product, I think they've got as good a shot as any indie developer.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Samuraiko on March 25, 2013, 05:02:39 PM
Indeed. If you're in the Seattle area, the Phoenix Project has a panel discussion that myself and downix will be holding at NorWesCon: 4 pm, Cascade 7 (unless they change the room on us last minute). Come see us if you're around and interested!


Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Segev on March 25, 2013, 06:34:40 PM
My flight lands in Seattle Fri. morning, and leaves the next day. So it'd better be this weekend! Otherwise, I'm going to miss the panel!  :o

(*cough* More seriously, it's this weekend. Our panel is at 4 pm PDT on Friday the 29th.)
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Jordan_Lee on March 25, 2013, 07:05:57 PM
I like seeing the optimism that still gets posted on a daily basis. I only check the forums every few days now, my only goal is to see feedback from Disney or Google but I know that's still a long ways to go.

Afraid I don't have much hope left. I loved the game, I miss the game. But as time has moved on and I have mourned and gotten over it, I don't dwell on it anymore. Don't get me wrong, if someone said I could log into my main toon tomorrow I'd flip. But more and more I'm looking for new possibilities. I'm enjoying some time on my Xbox, time in the real world. Maybe one day I'll try another MMO, maybe this one will return or the new ones will be good enough to play soon.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Thunder Glove on March 25, 2013, 07:10:55 PM
I admit, I have little hope left.   A little, yes, but none of the enthusiasm I had a few months ago.  Disney's complete lack of response (not even an acknowledgement that the pitch was received and read) is discouraging.

And that includes hope for various Project Z's.  They have yet to reassure me that what they're making will run on my old machine.  City of Heroes represented the high end of what my computer can handle, so if any of the Plan Z projects have even slightly higher system requirements then CoH itself (at the absolute lowest graphic settings, mind you) did, then I can't play them.

So only the various emulation (simulation, whatever) projects give me any hope at all, and even they're iffy and mostly flying under the radar.

I just want my heroes and (especially) villains back, but that doesn't look like it's going to happen any time soon.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: eabrace on March 25, 2013, 07:45:38 PM
I'd say I have a lot of hope, but it would be more accurate to say that I believe probability is in our favor of seeing the game again - one way or another.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Segev on March 25, 2013, 07:53:27 PM
Thunder Glove, I could barely run CoV on my own machine. However, if, like mine, yours is 5+ years old, by the time the Phoenix Project is releasing, your machine will be 7 or maybe even 8 years old. It will not be running much of anything released for games by then.

We are doing all we can to make sure that our product will be accessible to people with relatively low-end machines, but we can't guarantee that today's "can barely run CoH" machines will be able to run the Phoenix Project, not without guaranteeing that it will not stand up against any of its competitors, as well.

We will try! But reality is that computers have a limited life span. You're not still using the same computer you had in 2002, most likely. Will you still be using the same one you were using in 2004 or even 2008 in 2015 or 16?
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: tomborocks1 on March 25, 2013, 08:01:38 PM
Coming from a card carrying pessimist (we want to be wrong!), I still have hope. Maybe I just don't "get it" -more to the point, I don't want to - but if the game was such a failure to NCSoft, I would think that at some point they might decide better get something for it than nothing.

I know. I mentioned I don't get it, right? But this is how I hope. And when reality smacks me upside the head, that's when I pound the ground to distract myself.

I can't give up hope. This was a Wow! moment for me (and no, I don't mean Warcraft) in life and I'm really not ready to let it go just yet.

Hang in there heroes. Waiting sucks, but all will be revealed.

Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Taceus Jiwede on March 25, 2013, 08:54:13 PM
If you give up hope then you have lost everything all ready.  Not just about the game but in general.  Hoping shouldn't be forced or found, it is simply there as a net to stop you from hitting rock bottom.  Having hope doesn't hurt you.  Believing if the game will come back and hoping it does are two very different things.  I hope daily for things that will never happen.  Things that are way harder to achieve then the resurrection of the game and significantly less likely to happen then the game coming back.  Do I believe the game will come back, sure eventually in some way or another it will.  Do I have hope?  Hell yes I got a plethora of hope for all kinds of hopeless things.  Although I hardly considered this situation to be "hopeless"
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Ironwolf on March 25, 2013, 08:57:18 PM
I tried really hard to let people understand the time it would take even if Disney says yes.

It will take from 6-12 months to get the game going again with the best of intentions.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Optimus Dex on March 25, 2013, 08:57:46 PM
Trying to gauge the general amount of hope that we can save the city around here.

I myself have little to none at all that it'll come back, but I KNOW it will live on in some form.

I doubt COH will be back as it was , Needlessly CancelingSoftware might try to make a COH 2 . I won't buy it. My hopes are on The Phoniex Projects . When one  or both get going that is the future for me and my money.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Taceus Jiwede on March 25, 2013, 09:07:24 PM
I tried really hard to let people understand the time it would take even if Disney says yes.

It will take from 6-12 months to get the game going again with the best of intentions.

This is probably the big big big big thing here.  Patience.  The business world takes time.  Anywhere here should be prepared to wait for at least a year.  Probably closer to 2-3 years.  If you are hoping for the game to come back next week I would place your hope elsewhere.  If you are hoping to see the game again at some point I believe that will happen.  Even Plan Z and Phoneix project won't be done for a long time.  So shower up everybody! We are gonna be here awhile
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: TonyV on March 25, 2013, 09:37:24 PM
I am absolutely, positively, 100% convinced that this is not the end of City of Heroes.  Call me an optimist if you want (I've been called worse), but I'm telling you, it's not a question of if in my mind, but when, and exactly in what form.  But mark my words and mark them well, there will come a day when people say, "Hey cool, that was an awesome game, I'm glad that it didn't just die off when NCsoft tried to kill it like they did!"

I'm disappointed that the easy solutions didn't work out, but hey, hard solutions build character, right? And what community knows about building characters better than this one?
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: JanessaVR on March 25, 2013, 09:47:56 PM
Thanks, Tony.  I do appreciate that, as even I've been starting to lose some hope.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Segev on March 25, 2013, 10:06:02 PM
And what community knows about building characters better than this one?
D&D, Pathfinder, and Exalted?

*ducks and RUNS*
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Kistulot on March 25, 2013, 10:16:00 PM
D&D, Pathfinder, and Exalted?

You put us BELOW white wolf? Now I am officially insulted. I'm going to curl up in a corner and cry.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: JaguarX on March 25, 2013, 10:22:20 PM
I am absolutely, positively, 100% convinced that this is not the end of City of Heroes.  Call me an optimist if you want (I've been called worse), but I'm telling you, it's not a question of if in my mind, but when, and exactly in what form.  But mark my words and mark them well, there will come a day when people say, "Hey cool, that was an awesome game, I'm glad that it didn't just die off when NCsoft tried to kill it like they did!"

I'm disappointed that the easy solutions didn't work out, but hey, hard solutions build character, right? And what community knows about building characters better than this one?

Yeah I think on the old forum a couple of people called you everything under the sun besides a kitchen sink.

While easy solutions are cool, it's the hard one that make a person feel like they conquered the world.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Sugoi on March 25, 2013, 10:38:27 PM
Considering the efforts being put forth in various ways be dedicated fans of the game, I have no doubts it will see life again in one form or another (perhaps multiple forms!) 

If I were able to program or create 3D models, I'd be pitching in to help out personally.  As things stand, I'll be waiting on the call for any assistance I can render to the folks working on bringing my favorite game of all time back to life in one form or another, financially or in the form of beta testing to help smooth things out when it starts up.

Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Blondeshell on March 25, 2013, 11:14:02 PM
"You can't give up hope just because it's hopeless! You gotta hope even more, and cover your ears {covers ears} and go "Bla bla bla bla bla bla..."

Those are the words of a great man!

Mel Brooks?
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Stratoburst on March 25, 2013, 11:35:40 PM
How much hope, you ask?

Hope that CoX as-was will run again:  none
Hope that H-and-V or Phoenix will be fully playable in the short term:  none
Hope that H-and-V or Phoenix will be fully playable* within one year:  MUCH hope, and I'm willing to wait! 

*even if the content is a bit limited at first

My thanks to those making the effort to give us a game with a "CoX feel", and give this community a "gaming home" again.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: johnrobey on March 25, 2013, 11:43:50 PM


It's also MINICON 48 this weekend in Minneapolis, MN!!!!!   And you perhaps thought we only had Rocket J. Squirrel and Bullwinkle Moose living up near International Frostbite Falls, Minnesota!   :D
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: johnrobey on March 25, 2013, 11:58:00 PM
I am absolutely, positively, 100% convinced that this is not the end of City of Heroes.  Call me an optimist if you want (I've been called worse), but I'm telling you, it's not a question of if in my mind, but when, and exactly in what form.  But mark my words and mark them well, there will come a day when people say, "Hey cool, that was an awesome game, I'm glad that it didn't just die off when NCsoft tried to kill it like they did!"

I'm disappointed that the easy solutions didn't work out, but hey, hard solutions build character, right? And what community knows about building characters better than this one?

Despite being tempted to make a joke about MIDS or PL in AE or on PI re: building character, I happen to agree; it isn't IF it's WHEN.   We're not even to the 1/2 year mark of NCSoft "Sunset."   (*makes note to go check the NCSoft stock watch thread.... *)  Personally, I consider 1-3 years to be a reasonable time frame, tho I am of course hoping it's closer to 1-2 years if not sooner (for obvious reasons.)  For all I know 5 years might be a more reasonable time frame; however, it sounds like we'll have a least one fan-created "spiritual successor" if not two fairly soon.  Meanwhile, I could go Grind Away in the substitute MMORPG of my choice while waiting.  Or pick up other hobbies.  Or.....    :)    /say local "Stay Steadfast, good Titans!!!!"    /em HoldTorch
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Sajaana on March 26, 2013, 12:46:17 AM
I think there's a better than average chance it'll reappear.  Why?  Because old games are making a reappearance in this industry.

Asheron's Call 2 and Final Fantasy XIV, like CoH, were cancelled.  They were both brought back.  I'd have to say that this bodes well for us.  There is at least some precedent here that there is a market for games like ours.  After all, it's a whole lot cheaper to re-release one of your old titles than to design a new one from scratch.  Even if they chose to do nothing to it, the revenue they could generate would be pure take.

I'm much more confident we'll get CoH re-released than I am with the "Z" projects coming to fruition.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Brightfires on March 26, 2013, 12:49:30 AM
You put us BELOW white wolf? Now I am officially insulted. I'm going to curl up in a corner and cry.

Building an Exalted character takes some work... Trust me. I tend to play Sidereals and Raksha. 'Talk about being a glutton for punishment. o_0
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: DarkCurrent on March 26, 2013, 02:55:01 AM
I think there's a better than average chance it'll reappear.  Why?  Because old games are making a reappearance in this industry.

Asheron's Call 2 and Final Fantasy XIV, like CoH, were cancelled.  They were both brought back.  I'd have to say that this bodes well for us.  There is at least some precedent here that there is a market for games like ours.  After all, it's a whole lot cheaper to re-release one of your old titles than to design a new one from scratch.  Even if they chose to do nothing to it, the revenue they could generate would be pure take.

I'm much more confident we'll get CoH re-released than I am with the "Z" projects coming to fruition.

Look I don't want to sound like a prick, but there is zero chance that CoH will relaunch by NCSoft.  They would have to eat so much crow, admit they were wrong and then rely upon a disenfranchised fanbase to breath fire back into the game that it just isn't going to happen.  No way, no how.

They would have to sell first and I don't see them needing / wanting to do that any time soon either.  Why would they sell?  They don't care what the fanbase thinks about the move.  In fact, they've already buried it.  They don't need the money it's worth.  They don't want to see it succeed under the control of a competitor after they shuttered it as no longer viable.

Only possible scenarios are 1) 3rd party with a huge wallet throws so much money at NCSoft that they can't say no to a sale or 2) the hype over one of the Plan Z's is so big that someone at NCSoft figures they need to slow down this upstart that tossing CoX back on the market is a great idea.

Hoping and wishing for the clock to somehow get turned back to last summer is pointless.  Focus efforts and hopes on possible futures instead.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Illusionss on March 26, 2013, 03:18:07 AM
I think there's a better than average chance it'll reappear.  Why?  Because old games are making a reappearance in this industry.

Asheron's Call 2 and Final Fantasy XIV, like CoH, were cancelled.  They were both brought back.  I'd have to say that this bodes well for us.  There is at least some precedent here that there is a market for games like ours.  After all, it's a whole lot cheaper to re-release one of your old titles than to design a new one from scratch.  Even if they chose to do nothing to it, the revenue they could generate would be pure take.

I'm much more confident we'll get CoH re-released than I am with the "Z" projects coming to fruition.

A relaunch of CoX would mean much loss of face by NCSoft.... I think it will be a long time - if ever - before we see that. If we ever do, like I say, it'll probably be bundled with something expensive.

I am becoming much more confident that Phoenix Project is becoming an actual, you know, thing..... I am hoping we can see something cool by the end of 2014. I know these things do take time. I can wait a while. I just dont want to wait like, eight years or something.

Dark: Only possible scenarios are [...] 2) the hype over one of the Plan Z's is so big that someone at NCSoft figures they need to slow down this upstart that tossing CoX back on the market is a great idea.

THAT, I could see happening. Oh yes indeed. If Phoenix Project succeeds, there are going to be some ticked off people over at the Idiocracy. Why? Loss of face. Again.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Surelle on March 26, 2013, 03:42:03 AM
SEGs is making progress.

Plan Zs are chugging away.

There's plenty to be hopeful for.


NCSoft ever selling the IP....not so much.   :P
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: MakoMako on March 26, 2013, 06:25:59 AM
I'm renown for being stubbornly hopeful, by some.

Do I have hope of seeing City of Heroes again? Yes. This is the largest protest I've seen of any canceled MMO and so long as it can hold up, then it stands to send some sort of message. It may not be soon, but in time I do believe the City can return.

Do I have hope of Plan Z? I hate to say this, but not even a little. I noticed rocky drama bullcrap not even a couple months after the projects started, and even now I have to wonder on things. I don't want to play a new game. If I did, I'd be perfectly content with having moved to Champions Online. I want the one I paid for, already.

Plan Z is going to solve nothing but a person's desire to play a City of Heroes-ish game. Which won't win our battle with NCSoft, I'd hate to say. Though I'm sure the games will be fantastic in their own right, it's still a different thing entirely.

As it stands, hope and motivation seem to be what we're losing, when it's our most powerful aspect, and that's what NCSoft wants and was hoping for from day 1. And as far as I'm concerned, from what I'm reading here, they're winning just as they predicted.

Not even two weeks after the Black Friday announcement, I saw my Supergroup collapse into practically nothing due to hope that was lost -before the game even shut down-. It's disappointing that people want to move on, after such an injustice. Rome wasn't built in a day, and if people don't have hope now, then I wonder if they ever did to begin with.

So long as the hope can stand up, then the prospect of City of Heroes coming back remains. I'd say it's a good time to be stubborn, rigid, and unmoving in the demand to get the original game back.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Rotten Luck on March 26, 2013, 01:16:19 PM
My Hope transferred to the Phoenix Project.  It won't be City of heroes, but then I have to say I was starting to be burned out on Coh.  I would leave for a time then return and many others were doing the same.  In truth it was showing it's age, what kept me returning was that it was one of a kind. 

Like a Classic Mustang GT.  One of a kind, but showing the millage, still you want to take it out on the weekends for a spin.

The fun loving community what always drew me back.  That still alive if drawn out and thinned.  We still post here everyday and on facebook. 

Can Missing Worlds Media capture the spark that made City of Heroes special?  Who knows but Hope is continuing in spite of doubts.  Courage isn't always facing fears, sometimes it's the drive to keep going.  I even Hope Plan Z Virtual Studios: Heroes and Villains does well. 

Why... because if either makes it.  Then we do win against NCsoft, they saw City of Heroes as a problem maybe not a sink hole as in loosing money.  But as a burden on their views and a drain on their resources.  If either project works then it's sign that it was Management errors, (lack of advertisement, lack of production on CoH2) then anything else caused the shut down.  Besides what battle are we having against NCsoft?  They made a mistake we know it, like Lex Luthor they won't admit it.  There was no evil plot, no grudge, just a CEO or Board of Directors choice to cut the cord and do something else.  It could be 100% positive that once they made the call they figured out that it was foolish, or they could still think they are right.  No one knows, but them.  Ego now the driving force they would have to say "Yeah we shouldn't have done that."  Even selling now to someone would be the same as saying OOPs. 

Perhaps it is time to move on, not because CoH won't return.  If it does I be signing up as fast as I can log in.  But mostly so it won't happen again, we won't be tied down by a CEO of a publishing company mandate.  Either H&V, TPP, or both will be a product of love and determination of a community, and hopefully published by that community funded via crowds.  If not we will work our tights off to find a worthy Publisher to launch the titles.  That above all else is something to have hope in.  No matter what happens, no matter how bad, we will rebuild and struggle on.  We are heroes and that is what we do. 

Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: JaguarX on March 26, 2013, 02:01:43 PM
My Hope transferred to the Phoenix Project.  It won't be City of heroes, but then I have to say I was starting to be burned out on Coh.  I would leave for a time then return and many others were doing the same.  In truth it was showing it's age, what kept me returning was that it was one of a kind. 

Like a Classic Mustang GT.  One of a kind, but showing the millage, still you want to take it out on the weekends for a spin.

The fun loving community what always drew me back.  That still alive if drawn out and thinned.  We still post here everyday and on facebook. 

Can Missing Worlds Media capture the spark that made City of Heroes special?  Who knows but Hope is continuing in spite of doubts.  Courage isn't always facing fears, sometimes it's the drive to keep going.  I even Hope Plan Z Virtual Studios: Heroes and Villains does well. 

Why... because if either makes it.  Then we do win against NCsoft, they saw City of Heroes as a problem maybe not a sink hole as in loosing money.  But as a burden on their views and a drain on their resources.  If either project works then it's sign that it was Management errors, (lack of advertisement, lack of production on CoH2) then anything else caused the shut down.  Besides what battle are we having against NCsoft?  They made a mistake we know it, like Lex Luthor they won't admit it.  There was no evil plot, no grudge, just a CEO or Board of Directors choice to cut the cord and do something else.  It could be 100% positive that once they made the call they figured out that it was foolish, or they could still think they are right.  No one knows, but them.  Ego now the driving force they would have to say "Yeah we shouldn't have done that."  Even selling now to someone would be the same as saying OOPs. 

Perhaps it is time to move on, not because CoH won't return.  If it does I be signing up as fast as I can log in.  But mostly so it won't happen again, we won't be tied down by a CEO of a publishing company mandate.  Either H&V, TPP, or both will be a product of love and determination of a community, and hopefully published by that community funded via crowds.  If not we will work our tights off to find a worthy Publisher to launch the titles.  That above all else is something to have hope in.  No matter what happens, no matter how bad, we will rebuild and struggle on.  We are heroes and that is what we do.

hear hear.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Lightslinger on March 26, 2013, 02:07:26 PM
I definitely have hope that CoH will back back one way or another.

I'm positive that CoH will be back in the form of a community server, either through SEGS or a more up to date version. CoH will be back thanks to coders working like dogs to get back what we had. Seriously, I'm 100% positive that our community can and will do this, but I do believe it will be a while longer, years even.

As for a successor, I have a lot of hope in The Phoenix Project, I just think it is still a longshot. They know this too, what they're trying to do is unprecedented but I still have hope that we'll see the spirit of CoH in TPP someday.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Sajaana on March 26, 2013, 02:51:49 PM
To those who say NCSoft won't touch CoH because of a "loss of face," they already lost face because of this closure.  Bringing it back would help them gain face.

Besides, when has this publisher ever done anything in the name of "face" before?  They haven't.  They say they are committed to a GW2 expansion that isn't even planned.  And such blunders don't phase them.  The one pattern I see in this publisher is that it exercises its prerogative to change its mind.  They say, for example, "We are committed to Tabula Rasa long term."  And that is true for them...on that day.  And then two months later, they say "we're closing down Tabula Rasa," as if what they said and did two months earlier didn't exist.  They say "we are committed to a GW2 expansion," and that is true for them, on that day.  Then they get the word from Arena.net and pretend that what they said before didn't happen.

The one thing about NCSoft that we can say is that what they say and do today might be different than what they say and do tomorrow.  All they need is for the right moment to arise, and their plans change.

Remember that the reason they closed down CoH in the first place is because they wanted to close down Paragon Studios.  They accomplished that.  They got their restructuring.  What are they going to do with this?  Who knows, but the fact that they have it and haven't seen fit to part with it shows me--more than anything else--that they still see the value in it.

I can see several scenarios where they would want to put CoH in play again.  If they fail to meet sales expectations in Asia, they can re-release this in North America as a counterweight.  If Wildstar fails to meet sales goals, they can re-release this as a way of making up the difference.  They can re-release this as a way of sweetening the deal on their older properties.  There are so many scenarios in which this can be re-released, I'd have to think it's a good bet it will be re-released in some way, for some reason.

But I can safely say this much.  Whether they re-release this or not will have little to do with "saving face" or "losing face."  Frankly, the attention span in this industry is so short, nobody will remember one way or the other why the game closed in the first place (besides us).  They will do it because it makes sense to do it.

And our job ought to be to remind NCSoft, and ourselves, and the public at large, how sensible it would be to put CoH back in play whenever the opportunity arises for us to do so.  Because unlike Final Fantasy XIV, it doesn't require a wholesale redesign to put it back in play.  Unlike Asheron's Call 2, it isn't a contentless dinosaur with stone age technology.  Yet both those games were put back into circulation.  And ours can be too.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: damienray on March 26, 2013, 03:29:26 PM
LOTS of hope here for a relaunch of our CoH as it was.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Illusionss on March 26, 2013, 03:42:36 PM
To those who say NCSoft won't touch CoH because of a "loss of face," they already lost face because of this closure.  Bringing it back would help them gain face.

It would not; bringing it back would be a tacit admission that the closure was wrong.... and although they may know that now, they will never, ever admit it in public.

Remember that the reason they closed down CoH in the first place is because they wanted to close down Paragon Studios.  They accomplished that.  They got their restructuring.  What are they going to do with this?  Who knows, but the fact that they have it and haven't seen fit to part with it shows me--more than anything else--that they still see the value in it.

My money says that the reason they are not going to part with it is 1. Spite for the playerbase causing a huge additional loss of face re their protests and 2. because some ninnyhammer thinks that the longer its closed, the more people will get shunted into GW2 out of nothing to do.

And our job ought to be to remind NCSoft, and ourselves, and the public at large, how sensible it would be to put CoH back in play whenever the opportunity arises for us to do so.

If sheer spite were not a factor I'd agree, but sadly I think spite has a lot to do with it. They're doing this to teach us a lesson, although the lesson we learned isn't exactly the one they had in mind: that the people holding the keys to any MMO out there now simply cannot be trusted.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Illusionss on March 26, 2013, 03:51:50 PM
Mako: Plan Z is going to solve nothing but a person's desire to play a City of Heroes-ish game. Which won't win our battle with NCSoft, I'd hate to say. Though I'm sure the games will be fantastic in their own right, it's still a different thing entirely.

NCSoft is going to do what they want, they do not give a tinker's curse what we or any segment of their playerbase want. How we "win" battles with NCSoft is by finding something better - and thus denying them our entertainment dollars.

OF course things will be different. They might even be better.

Do I have hope of Plan Z? I hate to say this, but not even a little. I noticed rocky drama bullcrap not even a couple months after the projects started, and even now I have to wonder on things. I don't want to play a new game. If I did, I'd be perfectly content with having moved to Champions Online. I want the one I paid for, already.

The drama has been over for a while, AFAIK.

The problem with Champions, at least to me, is that the game is even more dated-looking than the City was. It looks awful. They have some cool costume pieces, but it just looks horrible overall.... see, I'm not just willing to put up with just any old thing. I want something that does not use the blocking-mechanic incessantly, and something a little easier on the eyes.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: johnrobey on March 26, 2013, 08:00:57 PM
To those who say NCSoft won't touch CoH because of a "loss of face," they already lost face because of this closure.  Bringing it back would help them gain face.

Besides, when has this publisher ever done anything in the name of "face" before?  They haven't.  They say they are committed to a GW2 expansion that isn't even planned.  And such blunders don't phase them.  The one pattern I see in this publisher is that it exercises its prerogative to change its mind.  They say, for example, "We are committed to Tabula Rasa long term."  And that is true for them...on that day.  And then two months later, they say "we're closing down Tabula Rasa," as if what they said and did two months earlier didn't exist.  They say "we are committed to a GW2 expansion," and that is true for them, on that day.  Then they get the word from Arena.net and pretend that what they said before didn't happen.

The one thing about NCSoft that we can say is that what they say and do today might be different than what they say and do tomorrow.  All they need is for the right moment to arise, and their plans change.

Remember that the reason they closed down CoH in the first place is because they wanted to close down Paragon Studios.  They accomplished that.  They got their restructuring.  What are they going to do with this?  Who knows, but the fact that they have it and haven't seen fit to part with it shows me--more than anything else--that they still see the value in it.

I can see several scenarios where they would want to put CoH in play again.  If they fail to meet sales expectations in Asia, they can re-release this in North America as a counterweight.  If Wildstar fails to meet sales goals, they can re-release this as a way of making up the difference.  They can re-release this as a way of sweetening the deal on their older properties.  There are so many scenarios in which this can be re-released, I'd have to think it's a good bet it will be re-released in some way, for some reason.

But I can safely say this much.  Whether they re-release this or not will have little to do with "saving face" or "losing face."  Frankly, the attention span in this industry is so short, nobody will remember one way or the other why the game closed in the first place (besides us).  They will do it because it makes sense to do it.

And our job ought to be to remind NCSoft, and ourselves, and the public at large, how sensible it would be to put CoH back in play whenever the opportunity arises for us to do so.  Because unlike Final Fantasy XIV, it doesn't require a wholesale redesign to put it back in play.  Unlike Asheron's Call 2, it isn't a contentless dinosaur with stone age technology.  Yet both those games were put back into circulation.  And ours can be too.

This.   All of it.   I not only concur, I agree with Sajaana's assessment.

(Nattering) I heard from a friend that she'd seen in the movie house an ad for GW2, which got me wondering 1. did NCSoft suddenly get smart? and 2. is GW2 either going great guns or doing so poorly they're "resorting to spending money advertising like other corporate capitalists"?? 

I gotta say, I have a great deal more hope for CoH than I do for NCSoft--but hey, that's their lookout and business, not mine.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Mister Bison on March 26, 2013, 09:22:52 PM
I have:
- 22689 forumers
- 43442 posts
- 2 new games projects
- 2 city of heroes "emulators" or assimilated
- 1 single game we loved.

all that many reasons to hope.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: LadyVamp on March 26, 2013, 11:28:43 PM
To those who say NCSoft won't touch CoH because of a "loss of face," they already lost face because of this closure.  Bringing it back would help them gain face.

If we can only get them to get over their stubborn pride. 
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Twisted Toon on March 27, 2013, 02:48:56 PM

I can see several scenarios where they would want to put CoH in play again.  If they fail to meet sales expectations in Asia, they can re-release this in North America as a counterweight.  If Wildstar fails to meet sales goals, they can re-release this as a way of making up the difference.  They can re-release this as a way of sweetening the deal on their older properties.  There are so many scenarios in which this can be re-released, I'd have to think it's a good bet it will be re-released in some way, for some reason.
If this is one of the scenarios that comes about, NCSoft will have made, yet another, major blunder. Paragon Studios, and it's core Devs, made CoH what it was at issue 23. The Community would, maybe, support the game if it was brought back with Paragon Studios (the original devs, not a group of newbies) in charge of the game. If that doesn't happen, then CoH, most likely, won't be CoH any more.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: blacksly on March 27, 2013, 03:13:29 PM
...Paragon Studios, and it's core Devs, made CoH what it was at issue 23. The Community would, maybe, support the game if it was brought back with Paragon Studios (the original devs, not a group of newbies) in charge of the game. If that doesn't happen, then CoH, most likely, won't be CoH any more.

As a counter point, a lot of players were very happy when Statesman left, and he would certainly be one of the main names of the "original devs".

The main goal of getting a team together would be that they love how the game is designed and wish to make it better as opposed to wishing to change it.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Triplash on March 27, 2013, 03:51:28 PM
The main goal of getting a team together would be that they love how the game is designed and wish to make it better as opposed to wishing to change it.

I completely agree. However, it would be difficult to convince most players of that if the names were all unfamiliar.

As for me and my hope levels, well it's like this. I was playing around in Mids and I tweaked some numbers. Turns out that, as long as I can keep my "Stay Busy" and "Keep in Touch" toggles active, I'll be running at perma-hope.

Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: johnrobey on March 27, 2013, 09:08:31 PM
As for me and my hope levels, well it's like this. I was playing around in Mids and I tweaked some numbers. Turns out that, as long as I can keep my "Stay Busy" and "Keep in Touch" toggles active, I'll be running at perma-hope.

Yay for Mids and perma-hope!!!!  You totally rock, Triplash!   8)
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Perfidus on March 27, 2013, 09:58:37 PM
Wow, perma-hope without hasten?!
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: johnrobey on March 27, 2013, 10:03:46 PM
Wow, perma-hope without hasten?!
You rock too, Perfidus!!   And I don't think Triplash has revealed whether Hasten is or is not part of the build.  Heck, for all I know, he may have engineered it on Mids both ways!     Just FYI, I have known sneaky, wily gamers to do just that, have multiple builds for essentially the same P.C. and then, Blammo!  They do something totally unexpected yet in such a way that once again Saves the Day!   Bwahaha!  Never underestimate those wily, crafty heroes!   ;)
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: LadyVamp on March 27, 2013, 11:05:08 PM
I completely agree. However, it would be difficult to convince most players of that if the names were all unfamiliar.

As for me and my hope levels, well it's like this. I was playing around in Mids and I tweaked some numbers. Turns out that, as long as I can keep my "Stay Busy" and "Keep in Touch" toggles active, I'll be running at perma-hope.


Don't think you'd need all of the core team.  Just one or two of the lead devs would be enough to bring a lot of us back with high hopes.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: JanessaVR on March 27, 2013, 11:09:16 PM
Don't think you'd need all of the core team.  Just one or two of the lead devs would be enough to bring a lot of us back with high hopes.
I concur.  If we got back War Witch, Positron, and even a few of the other devs, that's enough of a core to rebuild CoH the way it was.  And I bet once they got up and running, at some of the other old devs would want to come back.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Triplash on March 28, 2013, 01:41:42 AM
Don't think you'd need all of the core team.  Just one or two of the lead devs would be enough to bring a lot of us back with high hopes.

Yep, that'd be plenty. New blood's fine so long as the leader knows what they're doing.

Wow, perma-hope without hasten?!

Don't even need it. The Patience powerset has "Hurry Up and Wait", which doesn't stack with hasten. So I used the power pick to go with "Internet Surfing" instead, which nearly soft-caps me for Distraction, since that does stack with "Keep Active with Other Things So You Don't Dwell on it and Cry Again, You Big Wussy".
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Twisted Toon on March 28, 2013, 02:40:26 PM
Don't think you'd need all of the core team.  Just one or two of the lead devs would be enough to bring a lot of us back with high hopes.
Oh, I agree. Matt, Melissa, and a couple of others would be a good start. But, an entire new team of developers who know nothing about the game would probably ruin it faster than NCSoft could imagine.

As for Statesman, his user (Jack) hadn't been a part of the dev team for years. In fact, I think the game started getting better after he decided to work on other things and left Matt in charge.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: johnrobey on March 28, 2013, 03:30:52 PM
Yep, that'd be plenty. New blood's fine so long as the leader knows what they're doing.


Don't even need it. The Patience powerset has "Hurry Up and Wait", which doesn't stack with hasten. So I used the power pick to go with "Internet Surfing" instead, which nearly soft-caps me for Distraction, since that does stack with "Keep Active with Other Things So You Don't Dwell on it and Cry Again, You Big Wussy".
O>O  Ohhhh! SHINEY!!!!  The "Hurry Up and Wait" Patience Powerset!!!!   Does it cost of lot of INF or can I earn it?  And, if I can earn it, how?  I am certainly willing to "grind" for A-merits.   ;D
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Triplash on March 28, 2013, 08:04:54 PM
O>O  Ohhhh! SHINEY!!!!  The "Hurry Up and Wait" Patience Powerset!!!!   Does it cost of lot of INF or can I earn it?  And, if I can earn it, how?  I am certainly willing to "grind" for A-merits.   ;D

It's an account-wide reward you can unlock by reaching the "Tolerance for Waiting" cap on one of your existing characters. Sorry though, it's not available through Inf or Titan Tokens or any other currency. You can't buy Patience... it has to be earned. ;)
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: johnrobey on March 28, 2013, 09:21:36 PM
It's an account-wide reward you can unlock by reaching the "Tolerance for Waiting" cap on one of your existing characters. Sorry though, it's not available through Inf or Titan Tokens or any other currency. You can't buy Patience... it has to be earned. ;)
I am certain I have the patience to "grind" for Patience.  I bet it's like A Merits.  I just need to practice Patience, like daily, as a skill so as to earn XP and level up in it, right?   ;D
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Nitekilla on March 28, 2013, 09:52:34 PM
I have been so addicted the last 8 years to City of Heroes, its all I can do now but sit and watch CoH videos on Youtube  :(
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: johnrobey on March 28, 2013, 11:00:11 PM
I have been so addicted the last 8 years to City of Heroes, its all I can do now but sit and watch CoH videos on Youtube  :(
I had gotten to the point of being able to watch them without crying getting something in my eye; however, it's been long enough that when I watch one now, I do indeed get all misty-eyed again!   I haven't moved on to another MMO for a couple of reasons but not least is that I don't want to have to learn a new "system" and set of  gaming reflexes, 'cause dammit it took me over 2 years to learn the ones I have and despite coming up on 4 months of "Server Maintenance" downtime (my current polite fiction to myself) I know I could pick up CoH exactly where I left off.  Besides if all MMO's now have to perform and behave exactly like WoW, not only am I underwhelmed at the lack of that quality known as uniqueness, but I never liked WoW well enough to want to play it -- and LOL friends tried to get me to like it.

If nothing else, there is still party bridge and tournament bridge and if I am very lucky a good game of dominoes with close friends, as well as old board games like Cosmic Encounter and Illuminati etc.   Peace out, Titans!  /em holdtorch.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Menrva Channel on March 29, 2013, 12:54:22 AM
Not gonna lie, I've tried other MMOs--even the highly acclaimed WoW, but /nothing/ comes close to my City (World PvP gets old after a while). While I am a realist, I am also an optimist. I will keep the tiniest sliver of Hope alive. And that's all you need. I still miss the game and want to play it--especially after watching some of those excellent fan videos. If I have to wait ten years to play /my/ game again, I will. I'm willing to hold out. The cooperative, unifying nature of the game--and the sense of immersion--was unique. The options were nearly unlimited, both in power choice and costumes. Fans could even create content. And it was the best community EVER. They say good things come to those who wait. I think we'd all agree, the Paragon (and Praetoria and the Rogue Isles) are all worth waiting for. We are a people in exile--but we have not been disbanded.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: antarcticaa on March 29, 2013, 02:30:11 AM
We are a people in exile--but we have not been disbanded.

We are in exile but we are also in shock and mourning for our lost world.  We cling to the barest of hope, longing for the return of our beloved City and the community that made it so special.  Tonight however I feel like a fox gnawing on my own leg trying to get out of a trap.  CoX got a hold of my heart and won't let go.  I find myself at the oddest times thinking of the game, of my old characters, of what I'd like to do to tweak my builds and my talking to my sg mates.  I want to grind on Incarnate powers or try out another powerset combination.  I can't get this game out of my mind!  This is still such a raw wound.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Kaos Arcanna on March 29, 2013, 03:04:55 AM
Oh, I agree. Matt, Melissa, and a couple of others would be a good start. But, an entire new team of developers who know nothing about the game would probably ruin it faster than NCSoft could imagine.

As for Statesman, his user (Jack) hadn't been a part of the dev team for years. In fact, I think the game started getting better after he decided to work on other things and left Matt in charge.

I'd like to think that if a new studio was given the game-- or purchased it from NCSoft-- that I'd be willing to give them a chance to see what they can do. After all, it wouldn't be their fault.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Illusionss on March 29, 2013, 02:18:23 PM
We are in exile but we are also in shock and mourning for our lost world.  We cling to the barest of hope, longing for the return of our beloved City and the community that made it so special.  Tonight however I feel like a fox gnawing on my own leg trying to get out of a trap.  CoX got a hold of my heart and won't let go.  I find myself at the oddest times thinking of the game, of my old characters, of what I'd like to do to tweak my builds and my talking to my sg mates.  I want to grind on Incarnate powers or try out another powerset combination.  I can't get this game out of my mind!  This is still such a raw wound.

I keep having dreams about it. I miss my characters so much.

I am very open to the idea of a completely new game, which references this game we so love. Yet at the same time, I'm very torn because without an emulator or the same game run by a different entity, we will lose access to the Epic Archetypes. I can recreate melee characters or support characters, yet a new game is NOT going to allow me access to the Arachnos EA. One of my favorite characters was my Arbiter Bane Spider. I loved him so much, he was such a pain to level up - especially till that level 24 respec - but once I got him right, he was was so much fun to play. I had an ARBITER. How cool is that?!!

Arachnos will not exist in a new game, and this is really upsetting to me. I imagine people who were really fond of Kheldians feel the same way. Where else are you going to play a Kheldian?!  Nowheres.

I miss you, Arbiter Blaylock. As long as I live, you will live inside my heart.  :'(

Watching videos and looking at screenshots is still really painful to me, so I am limiting my exposure.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Twisted Toon on March 29, 2013, 02:40:03 PM
I would like to relay to you all a story of hope.

July 25, 2012, I became one of the masses of the unemployed. I filed for unemployment and all the usual stuff that people do when they are dismissed from their jobs. My previous employer appealed my application for Unemployment Insurance. I won the case by default; They never showed up for arbitration. Over the next 6 months, I collected my unemployment checks while looking for work. Only one place called me back. It was a job in the security field. But, they only had a shift comprised of 2 days (16 hours for the week) that they could give me, at minimum wage, I might add. I got more from Unemployment than I would from them, and I had bills I could barely afford as it was. Three Weeks ago, on Thursday, I get a call from a company I had never heard about before. They had seen my resume on the Caljobs website and wanted to know if I was still looking for work. Long story short, I was hired that very day. I now work 9 hours a day, making more than what I was getting on Unemployment. And, they looked for me.

Dum Spero Spiro
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Illusionss on March 29, 2013, 05:11:41 PM
Gratz on the job, Twisted. The worst thing about unemployment is the worry.... and the attitude you get from friends and relatives. If you are unemployed you are obviously a bad person, and people don't mind letting that attitude towards you show; maybe even unintentionally.

You came out on top, and congrats.  8)
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Triplash on March 29, 2013, 06:44:36 PM
I would like to relay to you all a story of hope.

Congrats! That's a great way for things to work out in the end :D

You know, sometimes it can be easy to forget that good stories happen too, especially when you hear a bunch of bad stories all in a row. But good things happen every day, and once you realize that hope becomes a lot easier to find.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: LadyVamp on March 30, 2013, 04:44:26 AM
Got quite a boost today.  NCsoft is continuing restructuring.  While I hate it for the people who lost their jobs, it also means NC is in financial trouble.  It also means that they'll have to eventually liquidate assets.  If we are in the right place at the right time with the cash and an LLC (or some other company/corp structure), we can buy the code, pull the devs and friends back in, and have our game back without NC calling the shots.

Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: JaguarX on March 30, 2013, 06:00:51 AM
Got quite a boost today.  NCsoft is continuing restructuring.  While I hate it for the people who lost their jobs, it also means NC is in financial trouble.  It also means that they'll have to eventually liquidate assets.  If we are in the right place at the right time with the cash and an LLC (or some other company/corp structure), we can buy the code, pull the devs and friends back in, and have our game back without NC calling the shots.

I wouldnt go as far as saying this mean they will have to liquidate assests. One they are no where near bankrupt. Two their debt ratio is very low, very very low even compared to big giants that are still around. 

Many corporations have lay offs and never even get anywhere near having to liquidate. Walmart, for one, Microsoft do it on occasions, apple, Ford,  T-moile, many hospitals, the military, HSBC (to save about 1 billion), Cisco (Also to save about 1 billion), JCPenny just cut 1500 not long ago, Vattenfall and countless other corporations and enties that I didnt mention.  And may of these companies have a more dire debt ratio than NCSoft. I wouldnt count the chickens yet before the eggs are even laid.

Not to mention even corporation liquidation sales usually dont consist of any ole' body or entity can just waltz in and buy. Not to mention, Nexxon probably will just absorb those items before it even gets to that point if somehow something do turn for the worse or some bean counter make a very very very crackhead move (and probably will be fired). And there is greater possibility of some game powerhouse like EA grabbing it before some start up LLC even have the chance to put in any bid. And EA may be worse or no better than NCSoft and may just as well dissasemble the parts of the code and IP and use it to make a game and or another established franchise game out of it, which would really spell the end of COX for good as we knew it.  Although it might suck with NCSoft having it, them going bankrupt have a good chance of not being anywhere as ideal or perfect karma as many think. Could it happen with the perfect fairy tell ending of the evil NCSoft going bad and the prisoner which is the COX code and IP is released into a start up company hand of the fans and it gets back up and running and everyone lives happily ever after? Damn right it can! Anything is possible. Some one may hit the lottery here, get on NCSoft good side and make them an offer they cant refuse. Yet, just as likely, it could just mean that NCSoft is shrinking to prevent going bankrupt and focusing on their market that they are good at, Asian style gaming and shifting resources to launch into China.
Sometimes I do similar things with cars. Could I have four or five cars? Sure can. But why? I could sell off one or two, and buy another one that I want and still balance off the expense sheet as if nothing even happened if not coming out actually saving money. Espcially if a car in the garage has diminished purpose it's liable to get sold. To me it just looks like they are living up to their "realignment" announcement and slimming down their presence in the US and Europe.

If laying off mean NCSoft is in dire financial straights, that means about 90% of companies are in the same or worse situation as many layed off a greater percentage of their workers yet still is considered relatively healthy and or layed off multiple times more employees than NCSoft laid off or even have.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: FatherXmas on March 30, 2013, 09:15:25 AM
Since their NA Aion and Lineage II incomes are small relative to those games total worldwide income all it means is they are adjusting staff to match their customer base in those games.

Or it could be as I suggested here earlier and NCSOFT is looking to license off the NA day to day management to one or more third parties like they did in Europe with those games.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: JaguarX on March 30, 2013, 09:56:04 AM

Or it could be as I suggested here earlier and NCSOFT is looking to license off the NA day to day management to one or more third parties like they did in Europe with those games.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Illusionss on March 30, 2013, 05:55:48 PM
... Er, a company liquidating assets is never a good thing. Not when their stock prices are south of heaven, it isn't.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: downix on March 30, 2013, 11:10:59 PM
... Er, a company liquidating assets is never a good thing. Not when their stock prices are south of heaven, it isn't.
No, but licensing their assets to other companies to manage, is.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: TimtheEnchanter on March 31, 2013, 12:45:35 AM
... Er, a company liquidating assets is never a good thing. Not when their stock prices are south of heaven, it isn't.

If you save money on it, it allows you to make it look like you've had "growth."
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Senkan on March 31, 2013, 03:09:25 AM
Problem with NCsoft ever relaunching or outsourcing development for COX is going to have is this.  Since the sunset was announced I would say the fan base has shrunk to about 25% of what it was during last summer.  And is getting smaller everyday.  Most people have moved on.  The money they were making is gone and won't come back.

Regarding The project Z's...they are going to have to pull people away from other games that...by the look of things...they will have played for over 2 years.  You think they are going to leave there current game to play these games?  I see this like when Champions Online came along.  Unless the game is better than the one they are playing they aren't going to want to spend their time and money on it.

Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: ukaserex on March 31, 2013, 03:54:00 AM
You have a point - but I think most gamers play more than one game. And believe me - CoH was something special. And, if the fellows behind the other couple of games being developed can capture some of the better aspects of the game, word will spread and they'll do fine. Personally, I hope they (Missing World Media, Heroes and villains) all get rich off of us.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: JaguarX on March 31, 2013, 04:19:04 AM
You have a point - but I think most gamers play more than one game. And believe me - CoH was something special. And, if the fellows behind the other couple of games being developed can capture some of the better aspects of the game, word will spread and they'll do fine. Personally, I hope they (Missing World Media, Heroes and villains) all get rich off of us.

I agree. But hope they dont follow in t NCsoft folly of expecting the word of mouth the only way to get the word out. remember people hardly even talk face to face anymore and if it's not about a "cute cat", what Kardashian or Snooki is doing, or what someone is eating at the moment or a fight video, it dont come up in general social media chat either. They also going to have to try and get the word out themselves or else it might be another great game that no one knows about.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Senkan on March 31, 2013, 04:21:40 AM
I think the project Z's should take their time and make a kick ass product.  Something that will last.  Something that mirrors COX but is also unique.   

The chances of the original COX being available in some form in the future is pretty good.  But it won't have the same feel or completeness.  I think it will become something like my old Vampire the Masquerade:  Bloodlines game.  I'll break it out every year and play a different clan and relive good times and put it away to play something else. 
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: downix on March 31, 2013, 04:21:59 AM
Problem with NCsoft ever relaunching or outsourcing development for COX is going to have is this.  Since the sunset was announced I would say the fan base has shrunk to about 25% of what it was during last summer.  And is getting smaller everyday.  Most people have moved on.  The money they were making is gone and won't come back.

Regarding The project Z's...they are going to have to pull people away from other games that...by the look of things...they will have played for over 2 years.  You think they are going to leave there current game to play these games?  I see this like when Champions Online came along.  Unless the game is better than the one they are playing they aren't going to want to spend their time and money on it.
And if I said that we kept this very thing in mind?
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Senkan on March 31, 2013, 04:56:39 AM
I never had a doubt that you guys didn't have that in mind.  Keep up the good work.  Im following on Facebook...
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Twisted Toon on March 31, 2013, 06:14:04 AM
You have a point - but I think most gamers play more than one game. And believe me - CoH was something special. And, if the fellows behind the other couple of games being developed can capture some of the better aspects of the game, word will spread and they'll do fine. Personally, I hope they (Missing World Media, Heroes and villains) all get rich off of us.
I play 4 different MMOs and a few offline games as well. Granted, some of those games see more play time than others.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: FatherXmas on March 31, 2013, 08:42:43 AM
... Er, a company liquidating assets is never a good thing. Not when their stock prices are south of heaven, it isn't.

And again, their stock price isn't bad.  If anything it is still a little high.  In 5 years it went from 42,250 to 157,000 KrW.  That's a 30% annual growth rate.  To compare the NASDAQ had a 6.6% annual growth rate while Apple had a 23.7% annual growth rate over the same period.

But much like the housing bubble and Apple stock prices the market went a little crazy and then suddenly the party was over and nobody wanted to stay around to help clean up.  Sure it sucked if you hopped on the party train near the end, if you believed the analysts predicting 600,000 as a target price.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: nataliaofvirtues on April 01, 2013, 05:47:52 AM
I absolutely agree. With just 2 or 3 of the original Devs, I believe the hope/faith would be quick to return.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: MindBlender on April 01, 2013, 05:59:45 AM
I have doubts that CoX as we knew it will never see the light of day (well, maybe as an emulator)...  I do have complete faith in the 2 projects being worked on by GG and the Z Team.  The depth they are trying to reach into what WE want is fantastic!  This will be a game for the fans/by the fans.

That is not to say that the chance of CoX coming back as we knew it is zilch.  TF Hail Mary has just as much talent in what they do as GG and Team Z, so I hope they keep plugging along.  I appreciate all these folks are doing.  Once CoX fans, both current and those that have "moved on" hear that we have our game or a successor.  I think you will find that player base coming back.

We ARE Heroes and this is what we do...We just want to HERO our way!  8)
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: LadyVamp on April 02, 2013, 01:58:59 AM
... Er, a company liquidating assets is never a good thing. Not when their stock prices are south of heaven, it isn't.

It's a trick of the trade.  They might choose to do that because they want to offset a loss in operating income.  By selling off such assets they can make it look like they made money which technically they did but aren't doing it from their core business.  It looks nice on paper and to average person looks like they made money.  But, a value investor would remove such income when evaluating the purchase of a company's stock.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: TonyV on April 02, 2013, 05:41:00 AM
Regarding The project Z's...they are going to have to pull people away from other games that...by the look of things...they will have played for over 2 years.

The Plan Zs have a significant advantage over more mainstream games on the market now and being developed: the community supporting them.  I'm not being facetious here.  Think about it--what made City of Heroes so special?  It wasn't the technical merit of the game.  Sure, it was neat, but there were other games that were far more sophisticated and pretty than City of Heroes.  The gameplay was a lot of it, but the elements of gameplay that made it fun can be mimicked--in fact, that's a specific goal of both of the main Plan Z projects.  The thing that really set City of Heroes apart was, and still remains, its community.

That community is allowing these projects to be worked on without a multi-million dollar budget.  It's also what's going to allow an unprecedented level of communication between the games' players and their developers--in many cases, the two groups will be the same people.  Also, arguably most importantly, the communities of the Plan Z projects will be born from the ashes of a game that was deliberately killed.  With that experience, I can guarantee you that the developers will have a significantly different outlook on trying to keep locked down, persistently online, and subject to wanton destruction at any given moment.  I really, honestly believe that these games won't just be nifty in their own right, but have the real possibility of becoming the next evolution of what was once the classic MMORPG genre, supplanting a lot of games working hard to make money off of F2P business models.

I guess time will tell, but I'm still really stoked about the possibilities, and you should be, too.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Illusionss on April 02, 2013, 01:47:10 PM
....Or you will have people like me, who will have been playing not much of anything at all for those two years, because I dont like anything out there now enough to get seriously invested. And I know I'm not the only one.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Triplash on April 02, 2013, 03:11:09 PM
....Or you will have people like me, who will have been playing not much of anything at all for those two years, because I dont like anything out there now enough to get seriously invested. And I know I'm not the only one.

I can guarantee you're not the only one who feels that way, because I do too.

When one or both of the Plan Z projects is ready to play, they won't be pulling me away from another game. I'll be good to go, with a couple years of twiddling my thumbs making me hungry to get back into something I can care about.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: dwturducken on April 02, 2013, 03:54:31 PM
I'm of two minds on playing other games. With so many F2P options, I have no trouble finding stuff to do. Now, nothing out there is inspiring me to shell out money, so I'm kind of with Illusionss. There won't be anything for the Plan Z projects to pull me away from. :)
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Menrva Channel on April 02, 2013, 07:33:57 PM
I must say, after seeing CraZboy's sites (CoH: http://www.cityofheroes.ca (http://www.cityofheroes.ca) and Going Rogue: http://www.cityofheroes.ca/going_rogue/ (http://www.cityofheroes.ca/going_rogue/)), I have more hope than I did. I know it isn't the game--yet--but especially with our ICON--I feel that the reality of it coming back will happen. We just have to be patient. It really was like getting back a little bit of our world--and /so much/ better than the "send off" it was given at the home site.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Archlight on April 05, 2013, 10:37:17 PM
I have been away for awhile so I came back to see where things were at.
/E hopeful
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: Tanklet on April 06, 2013, 12:13:46 AM
I'll be honest .... I have next to none. Plain and simple...

That said, doesn't mean I'll stop trying.
Title: Re: How much hope do you have left?
Post by: emperorsteele on April 06, 2013, 01:57:57 AM
I have little hope of City being restored.

Plain and simple, we have a little information that has allowed us to make some very reasonable guesses as to why CoH was closed in the first place, but the FACT is that we don't KNOW why NCSoft shut CoH down. The only people who know that are NCSoft's execs, and they're not telling.

And without that information, we have no way to approach the situation in a manner that would allow us or a third party to negotiate with NCSoft for CoH's release.  So baring some radical shift in the climate of NCSoft's corporate offices, I foresee them sticking to their established pattern of not giving a fark.