Author Topic: OK, what now? I need a private server or the ability to run my own.  (Read 343748 times)

Blue Pulsar

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Re: OK, what now? I need a private server or the ability to run my own.
« Reply #200 on: December 27, 2012, 04:48:22 PM »
100 isn't enough.
10000 isn't enough.
20000 isn't enough.
10 million isn't enough.
If any of that WAS enough... then it'd still be up, I'd say.  And apparently whatever they were asking was too much, or was intentionally so, or they were being just spiteful/ornery, to let anyone else run it either.
Now, let's say, they simply fired PS and did the maintenance thing.  Would we still play it, or would we be so incensed as to what they did to the Devs that we would run away in droves?  Hm?  Perhaps that's for another topic, but it's important to mention... because even that, which would have saved them the studio costs and therefore make a static, no longer developed game, pure profit, sans the tiny amount of server farm costs.  THAT wasn't enough. 
Therefore, none of the pertinent numbers were enough, apparently, to keep it running, even at bare bones.

So, you're saying NOTHING was enough. And where are you getting this information? It seems like you are saying "Well, Z happened so it must have been X + Y." In other words, "The game closed so is must not have been making enough."

Again, simple numbers and their logic.  Doesn't add up for us, but for them. yep.  "<the game what's name shall not be mentioned> numbers."  That's the mark.  And it simply DOES NOT MATTER that #2-#10 combined = <tgwnsnbm> numbers, THIS game didn't get there by itself.  And I'm not sure that's the be all end all argument for their closing it, but... there it is.

What numbers are you talking about? What logic in what numbers looked good "foir them" and bad "for us." So, you are saying their position is that "if a game doesn't do what WoW does, it should be ditched."? So, your basically repeating what you said before with a bit fluffier rhetoric? Still not answering the question.

I'd have to say that making a PROFIT of 10 million a year is good for just about any company. My point (which I will now make non-sub-textually since not many got it before), is that they had to have had a different reason other than "Oh, well, it's just not making enough money anymore."  The truth is that is was making a decent amount of change for them. It was running well in the black. They lost money when they closed it down and their quarterly income is missing that (roughly) 2.5 mil. So it being a dead game with too few people interested was not the issues. I understand that if "enough" people were interested it would have stayed open. Because if "enough" people were interested (enough being the number to get them to WoW numbers), they wouldn't need the rest of their games.

Business is weird.  Weird people run them sometimes and they make really bad decision from the stand point of of the consumer/outsider.

So, your stance is "we don't know." Got it.

Regardless of why CoH was shut down, the idea that anything OTHER than a complete sale of the IP would allow the game to run's just not gonna be happening, from a business point of view.  There's not enough to keep it RUNNING, so licensing/renting it is just... well, if it were possible, it would be ON.

Again, what isn't enough to keep a game running? 10 mil a year profit? (Yes, actual profit. 10 mil in the black.) I mean, if a game makes the amount it takes to keep maintenance up, and then makes millions beyond that, that is technically "enough" enough to keep it running.

Sure, they'd've still fired the PS staff, but the game would continue, and they'd get their little chunk of change, and we'd all be happy and everything even though it's a sad shame about Posi, WW, and the rest... or would we... I personally don't know.  I can see my emotions running either way on staying/going.  I would probably look to their guidance as to whether it'd be ok if I played or not, and I'm quite serious when I say a PM from those two at least would go a long way to making my decision.

Not only is this, as you said before, off point, but it's completely speculative. Sure, IF this had happened some may have quite, but how many and for how long no one can say. It's really about as moot of a point as you can get. I can make a moot point too. If they pushed CoX in internet advertising and commercials (as wow does), they very well could have been making DOUBLE what they were in the end. All the newcomers to the game were brought in by other players. We did their advertising for them.

I sincerely hope that a sale of the IP is made.  But I think the Star Trek reference is perhaps the best one out there... in that they'll horde the IP for the off chance they might resurrect the game in some form later.  But I don't see years passing where this would work, and I don't see a CoH:TNG happening either.

I think what people mean by referencing Star Trek is the campaign led by fans in the late 60s to save the series from cancellation. Fans like Bjo Trimble and her husband actually convinced the studio to continue making the series. They had nothing to do with TNG which started in 1987.

CoH doesn't work for phones or tablets or consoles... and they and it are now... but who knows if there's a plan for a Phone version of CoH that nobody but NCSoft knew about, and in 6 months, BAM!  CoH:Mobile version! Gawd, that'll suck.  But that just MIGHT BE THE REALITY.  Can any of you say For Sure it is not possible?  Nope.  And that's why they horde their crap.  Either that, or they're meany doodie heads.  Maybe some of both right now... :p

I, along with others, believe it is a common misconception that MMOs are losing ground to mobile apps. I think V.V. had a great explanation to that somewhere on here.

But TW is the hope.  If they cannot get it pulled off by some company, then there are only three options:  Phoenix, Heroes and Villains, and Hacked Local Servers.  Because, mark my words, as an NCSoft business decision, CoH is dead, and a sale is the only way it itself is coming back online, and there is absolutely nothing we can do about that, except the four things just mentioned.

Are you just trying as hard as you can to be a pessimist?

"COH IS DEAD... PERIOD. There is NOTHING that will bring it back... well, nothing but The Phoenix Project, HaV, NCSoft selling the IP, or private or hacked servers. But other than that, NOTHING!!!"
Blue Pulsar - 50 nrg/kin def - first toon - Liberty
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Re: OK, what now? I need a private server or the ability to run my own.
« Reply #201 on: December 27, 2012, 07:05:44 PM »
net7 brought back earth and beyond and has run it for years on the downlow....coh can be had again. Show a little faith.
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Re: OK, what now? I need a private server or the ability to run my own.
« Reply #202 on: December 27, 2012, 07:13:19 PM »
I know how you feel ... i miss coh and i hope for a server everyday to return the world i so enjoy ... I've searched the net and found this :

it's a CoH private server but still in production ... if there where more devs ... i'm sure
it could be done alot sooner ... every bit helps ... the sad part is that now that the retail
game is gone ... it will be alot harder to put the server together ...

it's like the matrix online all over again ...  :'(


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Re: OK, what now? I need a private server or the ability to run my own.
« Reply #203 on: December 27, 2012, 07:22:32 PM »
I know how you feel ... i miss coh and i hope for a server everyday to return the world i so enjoy ... I've searched the net and found this :

it's a CoH private server but still in production ... if there where more devs ... i'm sure
it could be done alot sooner ... every bit helps ... the sad part is that now that the retail
game is gone ... it will be alot harder to put the server together ...

it's like the matrix online all over again ...  :'(

That link times out... is it just me? I can't get to it from home or from work.

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Re: OK, what now? I need a private server or the ability to run my own.
« Reply #204 on: December 27, 2012, 07:24:17 PM »
That site has been down a couple of weeks now. :(
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Re: OK, what now? I need a private server or the ability to run my own.
« Reply #205 on: December 28, 2012, 03:59:56 PM »
I'm not a betting man.  But I have a hunch that, after all the ill-advised links on the official forums, Segs got a nice, friendly "Cease and desist or we shall sue you into oblivion" letter.

Legal aspects aside, threatening someone with a financially ruinous lawsuit (whether they win or not) tends to shut individuals down really REALLY fast.  Because "deepest pockets wins".


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Re: OK, what now? I need a private server or the ability to run my own.
« Reply #206 on: December 29, 2012, 04:32:08 AM »
So, you're saying NOTHING was enough. And where are you getting this information? It seems like you are saying "Well, Z happened so it must have been X + Y." In other words, "The game closed so is must not have been making enough."

What numbers are you talking about? What logic in what numbers looked good "foir them" and bad "for us." So, you are saying their position is that "if a game doesn't do what WoW does, it should be ditched."? So, your basically repeating what you said before with a bit fluffier rhetoric? Still not answering the question.

I'd have to say that making a PROFIT of 10 million a year is good for just about any company. My point (which I will now make non-sub-textually since not many got it before), is that they had to have had a different reason other than "Oh, well, it's just not making enough money anymore."  The truth is that is was making a decent amount of change for them. It was running well in the black. They lost money when they closed it down and their quarterly income is missing that (roughly) 2.5 mil. So it being a dead game with too few people interested was not the issues. I understand that if "enough" people were interested it would have stayed open. Because if "enough" people were interested (enough being the number to get them to WoW numbers), they wouldn't need the rest of their games.

So, your stance is "we don't know." Got it.

Again, what isn't enough to keep a game running? 10 mil a year profit? (Yes, actual profit. 10 mil in the black.) I mean, if a game makes the amount it takes to keep maintenance up, and then makes millions beyond that, that is technically "enough" enough to keep it running.

Not only is this, as you said before, off point, but it's completely speculative. Sure, IF this had happened some may have quite, but how many and for how long no one can say. It's really about as moot of a point as you can get. I can make a moot point too. If they pushed CoX in internet advertising and commercials (as wow does), they very well could have been making DOUBLE what they were in the end. All the newcomers to the game were brought in by other players. We did their advertising for them.

I think what people mean by referencing Star Trek is the campaign led by fans in the late 60s to save the series from cancellation. Fans like Bjo Trimble and her husband actually convinced the studio to continue making the series. They had nothing to do with TNG which started in 1987.

I, along with others, believe it is a common misconception that MMOs are losing ground to mobile apps. I think V.V. had a great explanation to that somewhere on here.

Are you just trying as hard as you can to be a pessimist?

"COH IS DEAD... PERIOD. There is NOTHING that will bring it back... well, nothing but The Phoenix Project, HaV, NCSoft selling the IP, or private or hacked servers. But other than that, NOTHING!!!"

Breaking apart and piecemealing my posts to individually attack each statement, to the point that you purposely broke apart a paragraph that without each other, they are not the same concept.  As well as left out very pertinent information.  I'm rather offended you did that, especially the spinning at the end... That spin is worthy of Fox News, and is better than Cat6e twisted pair.

I am not going to figure out how to chain quote all the way back to the beginning of this thread to get the cohesive flow back together, so I just quoted you... and that's how it formatted.  So be it.
I said it *correctly* the first time.  Yes, it's speculation of business... but business is business.  The numbers weren't important, the rule was.  There is a simple rule: You do not cut off the hand that feeds you.  Obviously, they think CoH isn't feeding them enough, and it cost too much in resources in some way.  X+Y=Z.  The how and why of that result isn't terribly important when you get down to it, from our side of things.  That Team Wildcard succeeds is.  Or that Phoenix and/or HaV do.  Those three are it.  Nothing else is going to get CoH back, not even a renting/leasing.  As such, indeed, CoH is dead without being sold to someone else.   WITH a sale, it thrives again, and I'll be so very happy when it does.

And notice, I said when.  I still believe.  Regardless of what I'm speculating, theorizing, etc. I am one of the hopeful masses that thinks CoH will again be on the air, so to speak.

And if you had read the response to Waya in that same post, you might have a 'feeling' for why I continued the way I did, to fully explain myself.  I only suspect you didn't read it because you didn't quote that, among other bits of mine you didn't quote, and that would have given much more in the way of framing my responses to you.  Without that, my responses to you make a little less sense, I believe.  Context IS important, friend.

In any event... none of that matters.  Not me nor you.  Because what it is is what it is.  Speculation isn't important, and I guess I'll just stop trying to make anyone think about/understand the business side of things, and let them think Mr. Kim, et al, has a personal vendetta against us... which makes me ponder... why did they bother leaving the servers up for three months?  Even allowing a player to organized and get an end of game event on Beta three days before the end itself?  I mean... why not, when they shut down Paragon Studios and sent everyone home, just unplug everything then, and just process refunds?  Hm?  I mean, vengeance is theirs and all that...
The answer is: it's business, but they're not stupid.  And it's not a vendetta.  It's. Just. Buisness.
Sooner people get that, the sooner we can get CoH outta their hands, k?


By the way.. it's $10M *revenue* per year.  NOT PROFIT.  It's important to note this.
from here:
Basically, about $2.5M per quarter (or $10M per year) the settled in number that could (speculatively, be mindful) be 'relied' upon.  And there's a thread or two about these parts saying the same thing.  That's a huge difference in making an argument against my post.  $10M PROFIT, they are somewhat stupid.  $10 income vs 8.2M outlay... not so stupid.  Not helpful, mind, but not stupid.  And it brings about the PS closing as a wedge to keep the game going, because all of a sudden $8M (Make up a number if you like, this is the one I remember) is now 'freed up' to just... acquire into the banks.  This is where the closing of the studio is a thing to mention... and how we might have felt about playing on, but... no more Paragon Studios, no more new stuff, it's just now a final I23 game.  But hey, it'll be there... right?  Too bad about the staff and all, but hey, I can FLY.  :|
Oh, and one last thing... that $2.5M per quarter?  Where is the guarantee of that?  How long will it stay there?  Can you say that FOR SURE.  The trend is overall downwards... How can you be certain, when their fortune tellers say otherwise?
That's how that all happens.  Again, it is business.  This is what they do.
And it sucks for us sometimes.  This is one of those times.  >.<
/I know a little about Star Trek and Bjo... Bjo is without a doubt a huge reason TNG, et al, were even around, do not lessen her involvement in getting those shows up.  She may not have had her hands in the works, but her work caused them to be a thing later.  That is the IP hording aspect I was talking about.  Not the campaign to get another season, the long haul "Maybe later we can revisit" idea.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2012, 04:43:51 AM by houtex »


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Re: OK, what now? I need a private server or the ability to run my own.
« Reply #207 on: December 29, 2012, 04:17:31 PM »
The answer is: it's business, but they're not stupid.
The proof of their intelligence, or lack of same, remains to be seen.

It's. Just. Buisness.
I've got nothing against you at all, but I'm going to tell you what I told someone else on this board.

You have just spoken one of the small handful of phrases that automatically anger me. It is a phrase that has been used as an excuse for far too many terrible things, much like "I was only following orders". Its a way for certain people to emotionally distance themselves from the human consequences of the choices that they make so they can either sleep at night, or get critics to shut up.

I hate the phrase. I despise it. I will automatically rail against it every time I see it used to defend a highly questionable business decision, and funnily enough, that's where it usually seems to pop up. And if I had my way, any time a business-person used that phrase, the image of Mark Harmon would magically appear and slap them sharply in the back of the head.
Sooner people get that, the sooner we can get CoH outta their hands, k?
I doubt that. In the end, only two things will pry that IP out of their hands: 1) Money, and 2) Timing.
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Re: OK, what now? I need a private server or the ability to run my own.
« Reply #208 on: December 29, 2012, 05:36:18 PM »
Indeed, they seem less than good with their thinking these days, with the animosity they've generated, distrust, and their stock plummeting to the level it has in just a couple of months... They don't look terribly smart right now. 

But, in regards to that, just think of the huge amount of loss they'd have experienced had they done the lightswtich on Aug 31.  They would be GONE, or I would like to theorize that to be the case.  Everyone would bail, because what company is that dumb?

Hence, we get 3 months to soften the blow.  A business move, to be sure, and one that took even a tiny spark of intelligence... maybe. :p


Well, I can understand not liking the phrase.  I also don't like "I was following orders" either, but the difference between harming people with bullets or such because some higher up said so in violation of human decency, much less Geneva conventions, is quite a bit larger a thing to hate upon than the Business Phrase.

But when it comes to the runnings of a company, the Phrase is what Companies do.  Ethics, emotions, etc, doesn't matter.  Ok, ok, yes they do, but only with two things: Laws to comply with, and will it cause loss of business.  If those are satisfied, then this happens:  "Gotta do business.  Yay, doing business.  More business, do more profit.  Yay more money.  Oohh... this isn't doing business, making money.  Can't do business like that no more (whyever that's the case)."  And then the dreaded Phrase shows up, and something gets turned off/canceled/stopped production/?.  And that's the way of the business of Capitalism... or more correctly a For Profit Business.  So many other stories of ethical/emotional opposition to the ways of Business practicing are out there.  This is but one of many. 
And I will say this:  If you run a business of any large import... these are the things you will have to deal with.  Unpopular choices to save the buisness.  It does happen.  It will happen.  If you have never done it, then you don't know why it has to happen in the first place, and we get to this point of discussing it.  It's a old tale, overall, this Phrase of Business, the details just get changed with each telling.

And it sucks, that Phrase, and that philosophy, and I keep repeating that, and nobody cares to understand or like it.  Which is fine, sometimes "that's just people. "  :)  But For Profit Businesses are in it to make money.  Anything else... well, they're not a charity.  And that's the bottom line... not a charity, a buisness, for profit, make money... almost like a hungry pig...


You are 100% correct, in that it will take money and timing to get the IP, but that also means Buisness has to be made.  So I stand by that statement.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2012, 05:41:37 PM by houtex »


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Re: OK, what now? I need a private server or the ability to run my own.
« Reply #209 on: December 29, 2012, 05:44:37 PM »
(Separately posting for a reason)

Oh, and hey... if y'all want, we can start a whole other thread about this whole idea...  We can cut and paste (or have the mods do it) these posts and continue there.

I, for one, would like to stop talking about the evil empire called NCSoft and how they are poopie heads and all that, and get back to the real reason for this thread's existence:

When can I run a local private server to get my CoH fix?  Any news on that front?  :)


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Re: OK, what now? I need a private server or the ability to run my own.
« Reply #210 on: December 30, 2012, 12:56:59 PM »
How dare you derail the tread by returning to the original topic......shame!
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Blue Pulsar

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Re: OK, what now? I need a private server or the ability to run my own.
« Reply #211 on: December 31, 2012, 05:01:52 AM »
And notice, I said when.  I still believe.  Regardless of what I'm speculating, theorizing, etc. I am one of the hopeful masses that thinks CoH will again be on the air, so to speak.

I do apologize for the attack if that's what it seamed it was. I just think it is irresponsible to speculate on something you simply can't be sure of. To essentially say that "businesses will do what is good for the business" is just simply wrong. I just can't agree with it. And saying the things you are saying just seems out of place in this forum.

All things I've read, here on the forums and elsewhere, suggest a 2.7 million (+/-) actual profit per quarter. Not revenue. But even 1.5 million in profit seems silly to simply cut off for little to no reason. Streamlining makes things easy, but can cost you a little in the long run, so it seems a tad illogical. But then again, I know very little about corporations.

I consider myself an astute observer of people though, and I do know a lot about them and why they do things. And I know corporations are run by people. I still, to this day, feel that there was someone high up that pushed for the closing for a completely different reason that what would be good for the company. 1 million or 10 million, they lost it and the only logical reason is someones stupidity. And I also feel that their pride is what is keeping them from selling.

Again, I do apologize if I came off as any less that civil. I truly hope that one day we are all, you and I included, back in our home city.

Blue Pulsar - 50 nrg/kin def - first toon - Liberty
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Re: OK, what now? I need a private server or the ability to run my own.
« Reply #212 on: December 31, 2012, 03:28:31 PM »
How dare you derail the tread by returning to the original topic......shame!
I know, right?  So silly of me. Heh.


Pulsar, all is well.  There is a chance you're right, of course, for all we know.  If it were a 3 or 4 man operation, sure, but... big business... it's harder to swallow, I guess, that it could possibly be. 

I just want to fly again, in the city I love.


Ok, Back on topic, y'all. :)


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Re: OK, what now? I need a private server or the ability to run my own.
« Reply #213 on: December 31, 2012, 03:52:17 PM » better than Cat6e twisted pair.

Best. Analogy. EVAR! :)
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


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Re: OK, what now? I need a private server or the ability to run my own.
« Reply #214 on: December 31, 2012, 04:05:24 PM »
This thread, the conduct in this thread (heated discussion, that moved toward the edges of civil, then right the hell back into civil to the point of 'hey, we should talk about this someplace else! :D' ), is exactly why we ARE going to get our  game back in one form or another.   I'm still constantly amazed by this community and proud to be a part of it.

To contribute to the actual thread I would like to say I haven't heard anything about an emu.  I am also uncertain if anyone made the game solo playable (I feel like that might be even more difficult then an emu!  But I know nothing of programming).   

I know our new, favorite task force is still running with its team, but that's not exactly on point.

I too would like to fly again, so have we any news?


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Re: OK, what now? I need a private server or the ability to run my own.
« Reply #215 on: December 31, 2012, 08:48:52 PM »

Well, I can understand not liking the phrase.  I also don't like "I was following orders" either, but the difference between harming people with bullets or such because some higher up said so in violation of human decency, much less Geneva conventions, is quite a bit larger a thing to hate upon than the Business Phrase.

But when it comes to the runnings of a company, the Phrase is what Companies do.  Ethics, emotions, etc, doesn't matter.  Ok, ok, yes they do, but only with two things: Laws to comply with, and will it cause loss of business.  If those are satisfied, then this happens:  "Gotta do business.  Yay, doing business.  More business, do more profit.  Yay more money.  Oohh... this isn't doing business, making money.  Can't do business like that no more (whyever that's the case)."  And then the dreaded Phrase shows up, and something gets turned off/canceled/stopped production/?.  And that's the way of the business of Capitalism... or more correctly a For Profit Business.  So many other stories of ethical/emotional opposition to the ways of Business practicing are out there.  This is but one of many. 
And I will say this:  If you run a business of any large import... these are the things you will have to deal with.  Unpopular choices to save the buisness.  It does happen.  It will happen.  If you have never done it, then you don't know why it has to happen in the first place, and we get to this point of discussing it.  It's a old tale, overall, this Phrase of Business, the details just get changed with each telling.

And it sucks, that Phrase, and that philosophy, and I keep repeating that, and nobody cares to understand or like it.  Which is fine, sometimes "that's just people. "  :)  But For Profit Businesses are in it to make money.  Anything else... well, they're not a charity.  And that's the bottom line... not a charity, a buisness, for profit, make money... almost like a hungry pig...


I'm just going to kindly step in here and say to you, Houtex, (hiya!) that you're making and perpetuating the same mistake/deception that fuels that phrase and, more importantly, the wrongs that people following that code commit (I'm not simply referring to a video game being closed down... and not even just a talented team being fired).
In order to be a "For Profit" business, it is not necessary to adhere only to the laws and principles of so long as it is legal and profitable.
More importantly, a business that adheres to more ethical, humane and emotional considerations is not automatically going to be nonprofitable or even not as profitable.

Anyway, the biggest reason why people hate that phrase (and code of conduct) is because there is more than enough profit and wealth to be had without removing the human element. And the complete and utter reality that money is not the be all end all. And that other people, the impact we have on each other and our roles in history and in the future are all important and can be taken into consideration while also lining our pockets and taking care of our families and such.

"It's only business" is a lying phrase born out of laziness by power-gaming, selfish egotists that believe their own hype.

The truth is... there's pretty much nothing more personal than "business"... because "business" is money and money is the lifeblood of modern society...
So, saying "it's only business" is just excusing away the fact that you (the universal business you) are willing to behave like a marauding, savage beast in order to take care of yourself and your own seed, at the cost of anyone and everything else, to the best of your ability (laws and profits, instead of agility and claws/fangs).

"Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash and I'm delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever."
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Re: OK, what now? I need a private server or the ability to run my own.
« Reply #216 on: December 31, 2012, 11:28:06 PM »
In order to be a "For Profit" business, it is not necessary to adhere only to the laws and principles of so long as it is legal and profitable.

I would also like to say that to be "for profit" it really should be in my best interest as well.


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Re: OK, what now? I need a private server or the ability to run my own.
« Reply #217 on: December 31, 2012, 11:39:39 PM »
Except that in the recent "reorganization" notice, wherein NCSoft announces it is selling NCSoft Interactive (NCSoft West) to itself, NCSoft made the official statement that "nothing regarding the selling of CoH has been decided yet" or words to that effect.

It is entirely possible they are lying to us again.

It is also possible that someone higher up than the person who issued the statement that "all options have been exhausted" has made an executive decision that they will see if a buyer more to their liking emerges.

Based on the fact that Team Wildcard is dedicated to leaving no stone unturned, we are operating on the basis that possibility number two is true.

I totally get what you're saying. At heart, we agree. The BEST of all possible options would be if some other company completely bought up the I.P. rights to CoH, ran it in an intelligent manner that actually pleased the player-base, and kept future development going, so that we'd see even more content coming in the future. Like I said, that's one possibility (and probably the best one, in my opinion), all I'm asking is if anyone has approached the option that I was curious about.

Options as I see them:
1.) No more CoH EVER
2.) A similar game that isn't CoH, but the only real difference is the I.P.
3.) A limited, "maintenance" version of CoH that we can play, but no new content in the future
4.) Some other company buying it all up, and keeping it running for us

...obviously, those choices are increasingly desireable to me as the list goes on...but I'll take what I can get...just hoping it isn't the first option!


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Re: OK, what now? I need a private server or the ability to run my own.
« Reply #218 on: December 31, 2012, 11:46:29 PM »
I would also like to say that to be "for profit" it really should be in my best interest as well.

So are you, like, forcibly restricted from attending events like charity bake sales and church bingos? Y'know, cause they're run by not-for-profit organizations?


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Re: OK, what now? I need a private server or the ability to run my own.
« Reply #219 on: January 01, 2013, 05:29:03 AM »
I'm just going to kindly step in here and say to you, Houtex, (hiya!) that you're making and perpetuating the same mistake/deception that fuels that phrase and, more importantly, the wrongs that people following that code commit (I'm not simply referring to a video game being closed down... and not even just a talented team being fired).
In order to be a "For Profit" business, it is not necessary to adhere only to the laws and principles of so long as it is legal and profitable.
More importantly, a business that adheres to more ethical, humane and emotional considerations is not automatically going to be nonprofitable or even not as profitable.

Anyway, the biggest reason why people hate that phrase (and code of conduct) is because there is more than enough profit and wealth to be had without removing the human element. And the complete and utter reality that money is not the be all end all. And that other people, the impact we have on each other and our roles in history and in the future are all important and can be taken into consideration while also lining our pockets and taking care of our families and such.

"It's only business" is a lying phrase born out of laziness by power-gaming, selfish egotists that believe their own hype.

The truth is... there's pretty much nothing more personal than "business"... because "business" is money and money is the lifeblood of modern society...
So, saying "it's only business" is just excusing away the fact that you (the universal business you) are willing to behave like a marauding, savage beast in order to take care of yourself and your own seed, at the cost of anyone and everything else, to the best of your ability (laws and profits, instead of agility and claws/fangs).


Yes, pretty much exactly that.  Businesses get into that mode as a survival tactic of some sort.  And that is how that evil phrase happens... "Hey, we're sorry this is going to suck, but, you know, needs of the many and all that... so... yeah.  It's just..."

Well.  The point is that it is a shame that businesses frequently do this when they perceive, or actually are in, a losing situation, but that's how it works.  If the core doesn't survive, then what was the point of being nice again?

And they sometimes preempt things to prevent (again, perceived) losses in the first place, rather than chase after the "maybe it'll turn around" possibility.  I know... I am still payin' for believing that will happen.

It's not without some measure of personal experience in this sort of a matter.  I chased.  I lost.  I am still regretting that many years later... one day I'll climb out of the hole.

And *because* of that *personal* experience... I know exactly what I would do if I saw something that was going the very wrong way, and would NOT make the same emotional commitment to continue.  I would bail, and screw ANYONE who doesn't like it... this is MY future, not yours.

While I don't actually know... This is what I suspect.  They didn't like the direction it was headed, and decided that they had enough.

The *oddity* is the no sale part, to me, not the shutting down.  The shutting down is an easy thing to 'get' on my end.  The sale isn't... which is where I suspect either that 'maybe later' IP hoarding is what's going on, OR they're waiting to get a better price (I find that a little out of reach myself), OR they are, in fact, going to restart it under this newly formed NA thing, and just let MotherCorp get their slice to add to the incoming monies.

Or something I haven't thought of.

Or they hate us. 

I dunno.  I am just itching to get movement in any direction now, as I am absolutely irritated at the situation... I feel like a CoH junkie these days... *starts scratching his inner elbows nervously*