Titan Network

Community => Other Games => Topic started by: Ironbull on June 29, 2015, 01:01:30 PM

Title: DCUO Now more annoying than ever.
Post by: Ironbull on June 29, 2015, 01:01:30 PM
Ever since the mark conversion, I've seen people grinding more and more since it seems there are sooo little marks and everything cost an arm and a leg.  So I did some home work to try to see if there was something I could do to avoid spending those precious marks on stuff I didn't need to buy.  Yes, there are certain things you can do to get weapon drops, or armor drops, but here is where my grief lies.  I do not want to be a Tank.  I spent hours grinding away last night, playing Solos, duos, 4 and 8 man and still got nothing but Tank gear drop after drop.  So as I watched the hours tick by, my combat rating stay the same, I figured I'd ask for help.  Is there something I'm doing wrong?  Don't understand the combat either.  Sometimes, I go against CR80 enemies and get trashed, other times, same CR80 enemies are a piece of cake?  Getting to the point where all I wanna do is scream.  Apparently no one does either the Paradox wave or Nexus Raids anymore, I've tried to do some of the flashback Brothers in arms and such, yet those Paradox a-holes tear us apart before we can even blink.  Don't understand how they can have a recomended CR53 for something when everyone above that rating is still getting their buts in a jar within the 1st 30 seconds of a mob.
Title: Re: DCUO Now more annoying than ever.
Post by: Ghostly on October 23, 2015, 09:23:46 AM
Hi !
Personnally I found a solution to avoid any kind of annoyance : I left game last month, after 3 years.