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Community => Comics and Other Media => Topic started by: Mental Maden on September 15, 2014, 11:50:40 PM

Title: Doctor Who "Listen" (Spoilers)
Post by: Mental Maden on September 15, 2014, 11:50:40 PM
Not a thread on this yet?????  :o

Well I loved the episode.  Good and creepy, sure it was no "Blink" but it was very cool.  It did retread a few things we've seen before but I like how they are intertwining Clara and the Doctor and Clara and Pink.  What is going to be interesting is we know Clara is leaving and Danny will be a companion and we know that they are connected for the future in some way.  It will be interesting how that all works.

I'm really enjoying Capaldi.
Title: Re: Doctor Who "Listen" (Spoilers)
Post by: Tenzhi on September 16, 2014, 08:37:32 AM
I thought the episode was okay.  I think my favourite bit was connecting the barn of infamy to the Doctor's childhood.
Title: Re: Doctor Who "Listen" (Spoilers)
Post by: Clave Dark 5 on September 17, 2014, 07:57:59 AM
I've seen this episode get some reviews equating it to the levels of Blink and Girl In The Fireplace, which I don't see myself, but it was pretty solid.  I enjoyed the depiction of this Doctor as being just a bit off his rocker, or at least pushing him a bit further off than has been shown to be so far.  It was also pretty effectively creepy in all the right ways.  Some fan discussion has heated up over what the heck was on the bed "if the monster didn't actually exist", but that doesn't bother me enough to down-grade the story; I don't mind some uncertainty in story-telling.

I think what keeps it from hitting the Blink level of quality is something I'm actually a champion for: this story was a bit subtle and hit some heavier-than-usual melancholy notes along the way.  Episodes like Blink are rather brash crowd-pleasers that slash away with flashy yet well-placed broad strokes, whereas this one ended with consoling a scared child in the dark and a kiss.  Probably because of those traits, I didn't care for this one all that much on my first viewing, but really appreciated it on my second.  I'm not sure why, but a lot of Moffat's era has been like that for me.
Title: Re: Doctor Who "Listen" (Spoilers)
Post by: FatherXmas on September 17, 2014, 09:15:55 AM
I liked it a lot.  It was a nice combo of Moffat's Coupling banter with his creepy horror side.
Title: Re: Doctor Who "Listen" (Spoilers)
Post by: FemFury on September 20, 2014, 10:38:53 PM
Best episode of the season so far.

I really liked the subversion of the usual trope, as there were various noises throughout the time travel pod.  Metal contracting and expanding, knock on the door, etc.  Each time, The Doctor gives a rational, scientific explanation for the noise.  Which, this time, apparently is right.

As a TV audience, we "know" the mundane explanation for the strange noise is never right.  That expectation was played with quite well, I thought.
Title: Re: Doctor Who "Listen" (Spoilers)
Post by: Aggelakis on September 21, 2014, 05:37:50 AM
Probably one of my top five favorite episodes.

I *loved* following the army man gunless Captain toy. I sincerely hope we see it somewhere else as a background nod to this episode.