Author Topic: Signatures re-enabled  (Read 4705 times)


  • Titan Network Admin
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Signatures re-enabled
« on: December 07, 2012, 07:10:32 PM »
I believe we've sorted out the security concerns for signatures. So I have re-enabled them as well.

In the past, we allowed users to link to images in their signatures. This is no longer an option for security reasons.

Only these bbcodes are allowed in signatures: [b], [right], [u], [color], [i], [nobbc], [url], [center], [s]

Signatures are currently limited to 500 characters and 5 lines.

Any existing signatures remain. However, they may have been affected by the new limitations on signatures, so you should probably double check your signature to make sure you still like it if you used to have one before they were disabled.

If you are not interested in seeing signatures, you can easily disable their display. In the navbar at the top of the forums, click on "Profile". Hover over "Modify Profile" and select "Look and Feel". Look for a checkbox labeled "Don't show users' signatures" and set according to your preference.