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Stephen Colbert?

Started by kalynnda13, December 02, 2012, 03:15:54 PM


The mention of Oprah got me thinking. Stephen Colbert, of Comedy Central's Colbert Report, plays a conservative who loves America (with a tongue in cheek). I can easily see him giving a "wag of the finger" to NCsoft...a foreign corporation dumping a wholesome Superhero game. Hopefully he'd mention the plan to get Disney to buy CoH. He has a LOT of fans.If even HALF of them wrote to Disney...

Even if it didn't get on the show...if it showed up on his website, it would probably generate a fair amount of interest.
If you would like to write Stephen, you can mail etters to:

Stephen Colbert
c/o The Colbert Report
Comedy Central
513 West 54th Street
New York, NY 10019

Phone: 212-262-6033

Comedy Central can be contacted via website feedback at


This Is Awesomecauce!

I should have thought of it.

Colbert is a huge Geek.  When still on The Daily Show, they had Viggo Mortensen on for an interview.  Colbert came out, interrupting, and genuflected to him.  Mortensen gave him a replica of Aragorn's sword.


On his own show, after Marvel Comics had Captain America assassinated, two of the managing editors (I cannot remember which ones) came on the show and gave him a replica of Captain America's shield.  (Actually claiming it was the 'real' shield)  They said that Captain America realized that Stephen Colbert was the only true American worthy to carry the shield after his death and left it to Stephen in his will.  You can still see it on the set.

This could be a very good idea if we can impress him with how much we care.

Posted to the Colbert Nation FB page.


I tried a few months ago on twitter to get interest....  Nothing happened, but I still think it's a great idea.

Colbert is also a HUGE LOTR fan.  Don't know if that gives us an opening, but it's out there.
Beware the mighty faceplant!


I totally support this, once it was mentioned I remembered his Captain America thing and I wish someone had said something months ago because I can totally imagine him doing a segment on this. However, at the same time, CoH isn't mainstream enough to do much.

Other people have mentioned Big Bang Theory, because they have CoH items on the show.

But whatever, next letter writing campaign, I'm all for it.


I am on board! Gonna send him a letter too!

Victoria Victrix

Colbert is an excellent choice, the man is a huge geek.
I will go down with this ship.  I won't put my hands up in surrender.  There will be no white flag above my door.  I'm in love, and always will be.  Dido


Quote from: Vasarto on December 03, 2012, 03:05:09 AM
I am on board! Gonna send him a letter too!
Nothing against letters, but a Tweet to him personally or The Colbert Nation, or pinging their FB page might be more useful.

Both Twitter Account addresses can be found on the Colbert Nation Comedy Central Home Page
And as such I do not feel it is 'harassment' to tweet at him.

The Colbert Report is produced on a daily turnaround.  It's immediate.  If we can get their attention, and they can make it funny, it has a really good chance.  I suggest mentioning Stephen's own Super Hero Super Spy; Tek Jansen.  Also throw in something about how North Korea is part of the Axis of Evil.  I know NC Soft isn't North Korean, but there is pretty much a running joke on the show about how fuzzy Stephen is about any geography outside of America. 

Getting him to say something about the letter writing on Face Book or tweeting would be wonderful.  He has a tremendously huge following.  Getting him to mention it on his show would be even better, too much to hope for, but if we could pull it off it would certainly be something that Disney could not ignore.


How about something like, " @StephenAtHome Axis of Evil strikes, destroys city! ... #SaveCoH "

Or something...

(I really like "Asymptote of Evil" for South Korea. Are you sure I can't use that?)
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."


Quote from: kalynnda13 on December 02, 2012, 03:15:54 PM
The mention of Oprah got me thinking. Stephen Colbert, of Comedy Central's Colbert Report, plays a conservative who loves America (with a tongue in cheek). I can easily see him giving a "wag of the finger" to NCsoft...a foreign corporation dumping a wholesome Superhero game. Hopefully he'd mention the plan to get Disney to buy CoH. He has a LOT of fans.If even HALF of them wrote to Disney...

Even if it didn't get on the show...if it showed up on his website, it would probably generate a fair amount of interest.
If you would like to write Stephen, you can mail etters to:

Stephen Colbert
c/o The Colbert Report
Comedy Central
513 West 54th Street
New York, NY 10019

Phone: 212-262-6033

Comedy Central can be contacted via website feedback at

Great idea!  I'll write to him.  If memory serves, Stephen Colbert's leagion of fans, Colbert Nation, got NASA to name a satelite after him.  If he backs it, that could potentially swell the numbers of letter-writers!
"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." -- Mahatma Gandhi         "In every generation there has to be some fool who will speak the truth as he sees it." -- Boris Pasternak
"Where They Have Burned Books They Will End In Burning Human Beings" -- Heinrich Heine


Use whatever you want.

I'm pretty sure the On Air Stephen Colbert wont know what that word means.  Which might be funny enough to get the writing staff to do a segment.

My only real consideration is to do it fast.  I was using #SaveCoH because it is already out there and because it's short so I could say more in the message.  I only used twitter once before this and have no idea how the hashtag thing works or if it counts against your allowed characters.

I just want the intern who comes in Monday Morning to go through the weekend Tweets from Colbert Nation to have enough CoH tweets to make it worth mentioning to the rest of the staff.


Quote from: johnrobey on December 03, 2012, 06:25:06 AM
Great idea!  I'll write to him.  If memory serves, Stephen Colbert's leagion of fans, Colbert Nation, got NASA to name a satelite after him.  If he backs it, that could potentially swell the numbers of letter-writers!
He also almost got a bridge in Romania named after him and was almost voted in as the official Tweetspokseman for Sweeden.  At his command, the Colbert Nation has crashed numerous pages on Wikipedia, like the time he declared that African Elephants had made a comeback and were now a nuisance to people in South Africa so they went to work writing up about Elephant invasions in Johannasburg. 

He has fun and his 'Colbert Bump' is pretty awesome in scope. 

Victoria Victrix

All good ideas.  Tweet the heck out of him.
I will go down with this ship.  I won't put my hands up in surrender.  There will be no white flag above my door.  I'm in love, and always will be.  Dido


Send him a picture of Statesman too, he has the sort of iconic American patriot outfit that Colbert loves. Then say he was eaten by a bear. After all, bears are godless killing machines. Especially foreign bears. ;)

Wait... a foreign company whose corporate policy is to chew up and spit out patriotic American superheroes, and replace them with weird little jigglyboob stripper elves... man, when you say it like that it really does sound like a story he'd run!

Taceus Jiwede

If we could get Stephen Colbert on our side that would be fantastic.  That man can get just about anything done, he has more or less an army of fans all of which have proven before that if he asks them to do something, they generally do it.  As a big fan of the show I have seen on several separate occasions when he does his calls to actions per say say, and he almost always gets results.


Quote from: Triplash on December 03, 2012, 08:54:05 AM
a foreign company whose corporate policy is to chew up and spit out patriotic American superheroes, and replace them with weird little jigglyboob stripper elves... man, when you say it like that it really does sound like a story he'd run!
This sounds EXACTLY like something he would run!
Serkana The Wise
Primal Praetorian


You guys might think this is a coincidence but the super Group I BELONGED TO was the COLBERT NATION!

So maybe if we mention that he has his own Super Group in the game he might want to help?

Victoria Victrix

Quote from: Vasarto on December 04, 2012, 12:49:16 AM
You guys might think this is a coincidence but the super Group I BELONGED TO was the COLBERT NATION!

So maybe if we mention that he has his own Super Group in the game he might want to help?

I will go down with this ship.  I won't put my hands up in surrender.  There will be no white flag above my door.  I'm in love, and always will be.  Dido


Quote from: Victoria Victrix on December 04, 2012, 02:16:15 AM

Now we just need to figure out how the heck to get a hold of him lol.


I sent a letter back in September, no reply. Maybe now that the election hoopla is over, further attempts would have a better chance.

-- C.


Um, he's devoting a week to The Hobbit, so I think we might have a better chance, now. :)
I wouldn't use the word "replace," but there's no word for "take over for you and make everything better almost immediately," so we just say "replace."