This Just In: City of Heroes accounts being closed early?

Started by Manga, October 24, 2012, 01:22:35 AM


Tonight I got word from at least two people who had their City of Heroes account "closed" today.  No idea if this is NCSoft taking action, or accounts being hacked.  More to come as it's learned.


Quote from: TheManga on October 24, 2012, 01:22:35 AM
Tonight I got word from at least two people who had their City of Heroes account "closed" today.  No idea if this is NCSoft taking action, or accounts being hacked.  More to come as it's learned.
Mine appears to be working fine...  What exactly did these people say?


"And there were closures, and rumors of closures..."  :P
Missing World Media primary co-founder, senior developer, UI/UX acting lead, and software toolsmith.


I checked the status on all my accounts (1 VIP, 2 Preemie, 2 free) and all are active.
Bob Dole!! Bob Dole. Bob Dole! Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole... Bob Dole... Bob... Dole...... Bob...




Update:  Still not sure how those accounts got "closed", but NCSoft Support *is* giving people a lot of trouble getting the accounts restored.  They are even suggesting people to "try one of NCSoft's other great games" instead.


Thus far I've only heard of one confirmed account closure.

And that was from someone who had their account suspended for initiating a credit card chargeback instead of waiting for a refund.

Other than that...nada.


Quote from: cmgangrel on October 28, 2012, 05:31:41 PM
Going from what happened to a couple of friends of mine, and this was several months ago, it took a few months to get resolved. This was for a City of Heroes account for one friend, and a Guild Wars/Guild Wars 2 account problem for the other.

two months? oh I dont think we have two months left. So does this mean they are basically SOL for the rest of the time?


Another update on one of the "closed" accounts:  NCSoft support finally gave in and said they would restore the account (a week after it was closed) but that all the characters and data have probably been deleted.  We'll know if that's true tomorrow.


Quote from: TheManga on October 28, 2012, 05:16:06 PM
Update:  Still not sure how those accounts got "closed", but NCSoft Support *is* giving people a lot of trouble getting the accounts restored.  They are even suggesting people to "try one of NCSoft's other great games" instead.
LOL, classic upsell.  Good for them.  At least they have no shame in all this.