"Memories" - The Evangel Farewell Video

Started by Evangel - Project 7, October 20, 2012, 04:20:12 PM

Evangel - Project 7


A Farewell Tribute - "Memories"

So when I heard City of Heroes was closing I decided the best thing I could do was make a tribute farewell video. I love the initiative here to save or rebuild CoH and I wish it the best of luck and have offered up my writing/editing skills if needed. But I didn't want CoH to die with me crying and screaming "plz don't go plz don't go!" I wanted to give it a proper and fitting farewell, and wanted to say goodbye to my online avater Evangel with a meaningful salute. I joined this game in beta and have been a proud subscriber for 8 long and exciting years. Evangel was more than a character he was a part of me - and I've chosen not to carry him into another game. If CoH is reborn I won't recreate an Evangel - he stays with Paragon.

So I made this (long) video to say goodbye and focus on the part of City of Heroes I will miss the most - the memories. 8 years is a long time to have a virtual family and cast of friends. It's a long time to play a game and stay loyal to a universe despite changes you may like or hate. So starting on the day that the sunset was announced I started filming and editing together this short video.

The video is a symbolic journey that provides a fictional reason for leaving as well as a lot of imagery and mood to close out this chapter of my digital life. Everything from the camera angles to the dialog to the color schemes to the settings all were chosen to represent things about this game that represent strong and emotional memories of my time in Paragon City.

I hope in watching it people can remember what CoH meant to them. And whether we save it or not I hope people will be able to view it and feel the joy/pride I have for being a hero in Paragon, and share in my idea to not tarnish CoH's memory but embrace it. All good things must end, and if this is truly the end then this video is my goodbye. Feel free to share it, forward it, email it, etc. It's about 50 hours of work that has made me cry, laugh, and smile. It's my City of Heroes legacy and I can only hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed editing it!

It's set to the appropriately titled "Moving On" by the legendary God known as Michael Giacchino. I recommend viewing it in full screen and in HD quality:

Link --> http://youtu.be/5hWfkHa4cBI

Go. Hunt. Save CoH.
Evangel | Infinity Server
Go. Hunt. Save CoH.
Evangel | Infinity Server

Rotten Luck

What is it with these Onion ninjas.  I this is another video I can't finish with out them attacking!
One way or another... Heroes will fly again!


Well done.

This is precisely how I want to remember Event Horizon Man's end of service. Not as some horribly handled PR fail that NCSoft has simply dropped in front of us before walking away. It's more like what you created. Our heroes' work is done because evil has finally been vanguished and we won the epic battle of good VS evil. Thank you so much, so very very very much, for imagining with your hard work and efforts, how we all feel our heroes' service really ended.

The only minor difference I might have is that Event didn't get into a car and drive off into the sunset. Paragon City is just a closed chapter. Event is still doing heroic deeds in some shape or form, either on Champions Online or some other related MMO, and most importantly in my mind and in my heart. CoX may be done on December 1st, but Event will always live on. As will all the heroes each of us  have created.

Again, thank you

Event Horizon Man



I got lost for a second there on "how'd he set the backpack on the ground", but just for a second.  :)
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Paragon Wiki admin
I was once being interviewed by Barbara Walters...In between two of the segments she asked me..."But what would you do if the doctor gave you only six months to live?" I said, "Type faster." - Isaac Asimov


Interesting... I only started crying when it got to "Outbreak."

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction.
- Albert Einstein



Beautiful and very well made. Definitely a better closure than what happened :/


You're in the same ballpark with Samuraiko, my friend. Well done. You made me cry too. And yeah - it was the hero walk that broke me completely - and Statesman.

I don't question the logic of how he could be there. He just is. He SHOULD be.
"I've never believed in the End Times. We are mankind. Our footprints are on the moon. When the last trumpet sounds and the Beast rises from the pit — we will KILL it."
— Gen. Stacker Pentecost


I have had the privilege of a long association with Evangel (heck, my main is even in one of the scenes, fighting the Rikti alongside him), so this perhaps has an even more personal note for me.  Makes me cry every time I watch it, and that's with the game still alive and playable!  I can only imagine how it will affect me after the lights go out.

I've followed Ev's work from his prize-winning entry in the first CoH video contest (for his origin story) through the AE arcs he made complete with cutscenes.  I guess it's only fitting that this be his swan song...and what a way to go!

Thanks, Ev, for making the closing chapter that should have been.

Evangel - Project 7

Thank you all for the views and great powerful responses! I love to see heroes that love this game the way I do. The world may not have real super powers but these heroes are still real and we are their secret identities. I wanted to give those heroes the goodbye they deserved after eight proud years of service.

And now we can ride into the sunset and prepare to save whatever city might need us next...

Go. Fight. Save CoH.
Evangel | Infinity Server
Go. Hunt. Save CoH.
Evangel | Infinity Server

Evangel - Project 7

I asked this over in the CoH forums, but does anyone have contact with the devs? I would love for them to see this video but not sure how to get their attention for it. If anyone is in contact and could forward this along I'd love for them to see this tribute to the game they built and cared for for nearly a decade.

Go. Hunt. Save CoH.
Evangel | Infinity Server
Go. Hunt. Save CoH.
Evangel | Infinity Server


Ask real nice and have Eabrace tweet a link to the vid/this thread from the Titan Account... I am pretty sure a few Devs follow it.  :)

(Just my suggestion.)


Quote from: Thirty-Seven on October 28, 2012, 02:00:13 PM
Ask real nice and have Eabrace tweet a link to the vid/this thread from the Titan Account... I am pretty sure a few Devs follow it.  :)

(Just my suggestion.)
Did that on day one.  :)  A few devs re-tweeted if I recall correctly.
Titan Twitter broadcasting at 5.000 mWh and growing.
Titan Facebook

Paragon Wiki admin
I was once being interviewed by Barbara Walters...In between two of the segments she asked me..."But what would you do if the doctor gave you only six months to live?" I said, "Type faster." - Isaac Asimov

Evangel - Project 7

Quote from: eabrace on October 28, 2012, 06:06:53 PM
Did that on day one.  :)  A few devs re-tweeted if I recall correctly.

Awesome! Thank you very much!

Go. Hunt. Save CoH.
Evangel | Infinity Server
Go. Hunt. Save CoH.
Evangel | Infinity Server

Evangel - Project 7

I've posted two MA Arcs that comprise what I am calling The Evangel Task Force on the CoH boards to sort of go hand-in-hand with this farewell video. Essentially creating a fictional end-game for the city of Paragon. If any wish to play the info is below! Teams of 8 recommended!


Arc ID 554556
Arc ID 554557

Go. Hunt. Save CoH.
Evangel | Infinity Server
Go. Hunt. Save CoH.
Evangel | Infinity Server


Very well done.  I bawled like a baby at the walk.


I'll be over in the corner crying if anyone needs me...  :'(


Beautiful!  Rather, it's perfect!  I still have tears in my eyes.  Later, months or even years from now, I'll appreciate even more you're having taken time to feature so many city zones and characters.  Thank you for this masterpiece.
"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." -- Mahatma Gandhi         "In every generation there has to be some fool who will speak the truth as he sees it." -- Boris Pasternak
"Where They Have Burned Books They Will End In Burning Human Beings" -- Heinrich Heine

Omega Mark V

That was well done.

I can't say I have as much connection to the game as you do, Evangel. I've been with the game since roughly i7, and subbing on or off.

Omega Mk. V is just a robot, he can be remade, yet the memories that you reminded us of will still be there.
Our heroes can be remade, but not the feelings and memories that came with the time we spent with others in this world.

... Heh, I guess I still do have connection with the game, I'm tearing up writing this, thinking of the game, and everyone's time that they've put into it.
It's part of our life, so it can't just be thrown away. It does need proper rest.

I won't 'put my memories aside' per se, but I will carry them with me. CoH will always be a part of me, and I will proudly carry that with me through my life.

Though I fear not, because I believe that there will be another City of Heroes, both on Earth and in the afterlife.

God knows our hearts, and what we love, and I thank him more than words describe, that he will give us our heart's desires in Heaven.
Even something such as this small desire, compared to others.

I look forward to the time we all can pick up our memories again, and share them together in our City of Heroes.

Thank you again, Evangel.

God bless.
- Omega Mk. V


Thank you so much for making this video.  I cried.  And I will be crying on the 30th of November but I will be among all the friends I have made during my 8+ years.  The memories I have of City of Heroes will last the rest of my life and I will never forget.  Thanks again for the wonderful ending of your Hero's journey.

Evangel - Project 7

Can't thank you all enough for the feedback and support! I'm glad everyone is enjoying the video and the closure it helps provide for this heroic chapter in all of our lives. Keep on fighting until the very end!

Go. Hunt. Record CoH.
Evangel | Infinity Server
Go. Hunt. Save CoH.
Evangel | Infinity Server