Duplicate Badges

Started by Arwen Darkblade, January 24, 2011, 11:59:04 PM

Arwen Darkblade

Is there any way possible to filter out duplicate badges when looking at badges I still need? The list is telling me I still need badges I can't get or already have because the system isn't recognizing alternative names for many of the badges (damage taken, healing, etc.), and not recognizing that some are unobtainable due to not being a Praetorian native (Moral High Ground, etc.). It makes it hard to quickly find badges that I actually don't have and can get.



We've just started a collaborative revision of the codebase to fix a few things, and this is one of them. (-:

Arwen Darkblade

Awesome! Thank you!

I sincerely appreciate all your work here, and Sentinel is by far the most amazing tracking service I have ever used.